Chapter 35

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"Miss! You're awake!" Bai yan ran in, Ye bing closely behind her.

It was the next morning, and Jin Qing had stirred a little from a restless night. "Yes... I am. How long was I asleep?"

"Three days, Miss. you must be starving! I'll get you something to eat. I'll go and tell the medic too that you have awoken." Ye bing ran back out in a hurry.

"Miss! Are you feeling alright? You had reoccurring fevers while you were asleep." Bai yan furrowed her eyebrows in concern "does the wound hurt? Do you need me to change your bandages? Want me to put some more ointment on it to ease the pain? Do you-"

"Shhhhh..." Jin qing let out a heavy sigh. "Please- I just woke up. Not too many words, thank you."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Bai yan said quickly and helped her miss sit up. "Prince Shang Ye found you unconscious after your fight with the Song General."

"Mhmm..." Jin qing nodded.

"But we won! The Song soldiers quickly surrendered when their general fled. What a coward! I heard that they're going to be interrogating the commanders, and they're going to send the prisoners as manual laborers." Bai yan chatted, filling Jin qing in on all she had missed while she was asleep.

"Where's Yi Ping?" Jin qing suddenly remembered her promise with her little brother. "You'd think he'll come to visit by now..."

Bai yan shook her head "I didn't see him anywhere after the battle. But then again, these two days Ye bing and I had been helping the medic treat the injured and wounded. I didn't see Yi Ping anywhere among the injured, which must mean he's alright, right?"

Jin qing bit her lip. What if something happened to him? What if he got injured in the battlefield and no one found him?
"Kai feng would know where he is..." she tried to get out but was stopped both by the pain and Bai yan's arm.

"No! Miss! You need to rest! At least let the wound close first! You're still in a fragile state as the poison had already weakened you so much. You need to take a break!"

Jin qing reluctantly laid back down on the bed with a heavy sigh. War is messy and their battles bloody. What if something happened to him?

Ye bing had hurried back in with a bowl of congee and a medic right behind her.

The medic asked her a few questions, and after hearing her response, he turned to tell Ye bing and Bai yan a few things and left.

"That was quick." Jin qing noted.

"Well... there are many people who are injured... and he can't do much directly as you are a lady." Ye bing nodded, lifting up the spoonful of congee to her miss' lips. "We had to help bandage and treat your wounds when he leaves."

"I see..." Jin qing said quietly.

"I heard Shang Ye and Kai feng is going to the emperor when we get back into the capital to request for you to take a break." Bai yan said, kneeling on the floor and leaning against the bed. "And you deserve it."

"Huh? Them both?"

"Yes." Ye bing nodded, lifting up another spoonful. "You may not notice it, Miss, but you do look thinner and slightly paler. You need to take care of your health."

"Besides... Kai feng also mentioned another reason, but that was as far as we heard." Bai yan sighed.

Jin qing looked down at her hands and closed her eyes, nodding. "When... when are we going back?"

"We're going back tomorrow, now that you're awake. The palace medics will treat you when you get back." Ye bing answered, impatiently lowering the bowl when Jin qing shook her head as she tried to feed her. "Miss. You have to eat something!"

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