Chapter 24

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A important little notice in the bottom!
Be sure not to skip it or you'll be verrryyy confuzzled~


"Second sister, welcome back!" Xi Yan smiled, running for a hug.

Jin qing grinned and opened her arms and took in her sister's hug. She had just arrived back to her father's area in the palace after the meeting with the emperor and a few words of welcome from the other princes and princesses. "It's good to see you too! Where is everyone else?"

"They are with father. They are waiting!" Xi yan took Jin Qing's hand and dragged her to where everyone else was waiting.

The first thing Jin qing noticed was Yi ping sitting on a chair next to his mother. Aside from the bandage on his arm and his slouched posture- indicating that he has more wounds on his back- he looked fine.

"Second sister!" Yi ping smiled.

"Oh you're alright!" Jin qing smiled, overjoyed to see him back home safely.
She turned to her father and mother and dipped into a curtesy. "Excuse my rudeness. I am overwhelmed that Yi ping is back and well."

"Excused. You are in a higher standing than us, we should be the one who is paying out respects." He answered.

"You are my father, and this is my family. Nothing can come between that." Jin qing said simply.

She had a brilliant and shining smile on her face, but her eyes was just as alert.

She was aware of Huan Le's surprise and mild frustration based on the tightness of her smile and the relaxed yet satisfied grin of Kai feng.

Xue hua was staring at her, probably still mystified on how she is acting now.

The first wife's smile and eyes didn't change. Still happy, still full of joy, still full of hate so well hidden Jin qing had to look twice to make sure.
Clearly she hoped that Jin qing would be dead.

The first wife comes from a colorful background of scholars, generals, and court officials. Her family can easily replace her spot and overpower her anytime of the day.

After a few minutes of a tearful reunion, her father dismissed her back to her room in the palace, saying how she needed the rest after such a long journey.
Which, Jin qing silently cheered to. Finally! Some time alone!

Jin qing made her way back to her room with a smile. Her room was strangely quiet and empty, but she let out a laugh.
"Alright! You two have been hiding long enough. Come out!"

Another round of tears and laugher as her maids tackled her.

When Jin qing finally calmed her down, her maids quickly set her a cup of tea brewed with the freshest leaves in the back of the cabinet and some sweets that they have received from Xue hua.

Jin qing sipped on the tea her maids made and ate it with the sweets. "Ooo I've missed this place!"

"We thought you'll be gone when we heard you were captured!" Bai yan exclaimed.

"You always have a plan, dont you?" Ye being asked with a smile.

"Well, plans take time to form." Jin qing said between bites.

"Good to see our beloved miss hasn't changed!" Ye bing grinned.

"Of course." Jin qing smiled. She put down her cup, and just ate the sweets.

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