Chapter 48

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Jin qing had dismissed all the servants Tian Xiang had given her. She wanted to interact with as little people as possible. Besides, she didn't trust any of the servants here.

She changed out of the rags and went over to the trunk of clothes.

There were many options for her to choose from. Silk from all shades of colors and patterns, jewelry in all shapes and sizes.
Jin qing laughed to herself when she found a simpler jade green dress, made in a fashion that she would often wear before her identity was revealed. She lifted the light dress up and closed her eyes for a second, almost imagining that she was back in the Wei in her old room, a time when her life was still peaceful.

A washbasin had been put in her room, and Jin qing quickly washed herself and her hair to rid of the dirt, blood, and grime that has been on it for a while. She almost felt spoiled, being treated like this in enemy territory, but something inside told her to accept it. After all, if she wants to stay in Tian Xiang's favor, she needs to pretend that she's accepting it all.

Turning her back away from the mirror, Jin qing quickly slipped on the dress and tied the white sash around her waist.

Once finished, she turned back around to the mirror, all of her injuries hidden by the cloth.

Why does this all feel so familiar? The atmosphere here is designed to be simple, calming, but why do I feel so tense?

I spent a few weeks wondering how badly I was going to be beaten the next day, but here I am.

I wonder how Huan Le will react once she sees me? Furious, I imagine.

She can try all she wants, but there will never be a situation where she gains the upper hand against me.

Jin qing plastered a confident smile on her face, staring at the perfect reflection in the mirror.

I promise. Huan le, I will be the cause of your death... directly or not.


Jin qing was curious. The first time she was captured and brought to that fort with Xue hua, she had noticed on how undisciplined the Song soldiers seem to be.

Was that the truth behind the Song's seemingly unstoppable army?

Later that same afternoon, Jin qing left her room.

She was positive no one knew what the Xue Xian looks like, and Jin Qing knew how to act like a servant.

But first, she needed to find Yu Qi.

Despite Jin Qing's "freedom," Yu Qi will still be able to move around with more relative ease and get her clothes Jin Qing will need to snoop around.

Well, this isn't much different than when I was a kid in the Liang. All I had to do back then was to smear something on my face, change into some new clothes, and I was unrecognizable for an afternoon. Ah! Good times I had back then.

Jin qing already had an idea of how she was going to figure out if a rebellion was brewing underneath Tian Xiang's nose.
But her plan wasn't to help him crush it.

Hah Nope.

She wanted to make it look like she was crushing it, but in reality, she wanted to exploit the weaknesses in the Song so when she does leave, the kingdom will fall inwards.

This is amusing. This is exactly how the Liang fell during the short year I was in rule. I swore never to make the same mistake ever again, but here I am...

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