Chapter 59

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"He's... what?"

The woman briefly paused in her work and looked over at Jin qing, her eyes flashing with pride for her country. "The great General Shen Feng! Goodness, we most certainly are lucky to have someone like him, isn't it? He was due to come back in a week, but I think with his progress... maybe he can capture the Wei capital and end the war!" She lowered her voice "If you ask me, I don't think the Song can last much longer. I do hope the war can end quickly and send all our boys home."

Jin qing laughed nervously. "Right? I knew people who have gone missing in the war... I do hope they answer my letters soon or return home..."

"Right?" The woman nodded, looking back at her vegetables "Mei over there-" she nodded at the girl who was helping her "has both of her brothers fighting in the war. They have been replying to her letters, so at least they're still alive. But poor Nian Zhen and Xiao Wen..."

Jin qing only nodded. 
Her mind was racing. 

Shen Feng was that close? Why didn't I hear of this? He was only a few cities away, since when?

How long do I have until the Wei falls? It seems like I'll have to leave a lot earlier than I'd thought... I'll have to leave and carry out what I have, for now, I do hope it's enough... Ah, this wouldn't matter of the Wei falls! I need to get back-

"Are you okay?"

Jin qing looked up. She realized she has been standing frozen for a while, and managed another laugh. "Oh- I'm just really worried..." She said, drawing out a real worry she had in her to make it look convincing "My brothers in the countryside... I'm not sure if the draft has found them or not. I haven't been able to contact them since I left, and I'm very worried about them."
That was the way to lie. Drawing something similar to the lie you're about to say, mixing in the real emotions behind your words. 

"Oh poor you- I'm sure they'll be alright." The woman answered her "I'm sure the country isn't that desperate yet to recruit farmers. If they're gone, who is going to feed us?"

Jin qing noted her uncertain voice, and let out a heavy sigh "I don't think they will. They have to be able to feed us. The country will collapse if they don't-" She passed the woman the prepared vegetables as the woman stood up from lighting the fire under the pot. "-unless Shen Feng manages to win the war faster than any of us can think..."
It quickly dawned upon Jin qing that even if she does successfully managed to start a chain reaction to destroy the Song from the inside, it would all be rendered useless if the Song wins the war first. As she thought about it more and more, the more she realized the different holes she had in her plan. 

She can only hope for the best and do what she can before Shen Feng gets to the wei capital and besieges it. Her time limit wouldn't be until Shen Feng gets back into the Song like she originally worried about- she would be racing against his army. 

"Of course he will! This is the great general we are talking about. He's had a questionable name, but he's redeemed himself over and over, countless and countless of times." The woman smiled "He'll do the country a great service by wiping out the Wei from the land. The Wei is nothing without their Xue Xian, and they'll fall yet."


"Nian Zhen, Xiao Wen, it's time to eat!" 

Nian Zhen, who was sitting in the shade looked up at Jin qing. "You weren't kidding when you said we'll be eating here..."

"Why would I be?"

"I don't know... you don't seem like the type of person who would be here just because you wanted to help. You are the Xue Xian. You must have something to hide."

Jin qing looked down at Nian Zhen with a smile "What does the Xue Xian do?"

"Help the Wei win their battles and make them what they are."

"What's the first word of your sentence?"


Jin qing pulled Nian Zhen up to her feet "Exactly. I help. I try not to be biased, but I help whoever needs it."
But Jin qing had no intention of helping the Song. She didn't mind helping the people there if they needed it, but the Song must fall to the Wei. 
"Go on. Go get everyone else. We'll be leaving after I help them clear the dishes and wash up after we eat."

Li Jin Qing: The one behind it allTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang