Chapter 22

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Xue hua didn't want to complain, but after a day of walking in tough terrain, she really wanted it to.
But her sister wasn't complaining, so why should she? Her sister was injured, yet she wasn't complaining.

Xue hua can see the weariness on her sister's face. Once or twice she wanted to ask her sister if she wanted to take a break and rest, but she didn't.

"Where are we going?" Xue hua asked for the tenth time.

"Somewhere I know we would be safe." Jin qing said softly.

Xue hua didn't want to ask anymore.

Another day passed, Xue hua was hungry. Jin qing hasn't said much the entire time, and the few berries she had picked wasn't going to fill Xue hua's stomach.

Finally, Jin Qing looked excited. Her steps became a little lively and her face brightened in a way she had never seen.

"Yes!" Jin Qing smiled, and began to run, stumbling a little but gradually began to speed up. "Xue hua! We're almost there! Come on!"

Xue hua tried to pick up her feet and follow her sister. It seems like Jin Qing had just received an extra boost of energy, but why?

Jin Qing climbed over a small hill and Xue hua followed, revealing a homely cottage with a garden next to it. The pond connected with a stream that most likely lead to the lake. Flowers grew around the simple mud and wood home, fences around the animal pens and the garden. It was neat, pleasant, and homely.
A young man around her sister's age was in front, chopping wood.

"Long yin! Long yin!" Jin Qing shouted with a huge smile on her face, pure joy radiating off her. For a second all burdens seemed to fall away from her, her injuries disappearing as she ran.

The young man named Long yin looked up at her voice. Confusion took over his face for a second, but when he saw Jin Qing's face, his face changed into joy. "Xin er!"

The two embraced, Jin Qing burying her face into his shoulder, seemingly crying.
Xue hua had never seen her sister like that. So happy, so tearful, so human.

"Xin er! Where have you-"

Jin Qing made a quick gesture that Xue hua couldn't quite catch.

"Where have you been all these years?!" He continued.

"I'm sorry I couldn't visit. I desperately wanted to too!" Jin Qing smiled. She turned to Xue hua and beckoned her over, and Xue hua shyly walked over. "This is the youngest son of the elderly couple I stayed with."

So this is him? Oh, Xue hua was at the place where her sister grew up in!

Xue hua curtsied a little, only to be stopped by both of them.

"This isn't the palace nor some rich noble's home. You may act as you please."  Long yin grinned, his hand on Jin Qing's shoulder. He turned back to Jin Qing "oh! We heard the Xue xian was somewhere near here and was captured, but I'd never expected you to come!"

"It took an escape attempt, and I remembered the terrain as we passed through, I recognized the places we used to play in! I knew it would be safe here, so I'd thought I'll come back." Jin Qing smiled.

"Oh mother is waiting! Hai Lin and Hong Hui is out getting wood but- oh I'm so glad you're back!" Long yin grabbed Jin Qing's hand, but she took it back.

"I'm running myself! I don't need your help like I used to!" Jin Qing laughed and broke off into a sprint into the house.

Xue hua was surprised.
Is this the Jin Qing she knew?
The sister she knew was reserved and quiet, an untouchable elegance surrounding her.

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