Chapter 6 - October 24, 2016

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The first time I ever saw the Avengers in action was back in Sokovia when an entire city flew into the air.

It was the first time in my life I hated the fact that I was so normal.

It wouldn't be the last, however.

Once I started spending time around Wanda it seemed as if every simple action she did was a reminder of how weak I was in comparison. By proxy, I also spent more time in the presence of the Avengers, which didn't help.

Even the weakest person on the team was leagues ahead of where I could ever be, and my Wanda had made that clear back before everyone, including me, was dusted.

This fact was once again reiterated as Natasha worked on training me, each landed punch and kick seeming to knock me down to a point where I didn't want to get up.

But each time I got kicked down Natasha held out a hand and helped me back up, assuring me that I was doing a good job.

Wanda, on the other hand, knocked me to the ground as much as possible. I managed to phase through one or two blasts, but I was nowhere near skilled enough to keep up with her.

Which she enjoyed far too much.

"You know, if this is what you are like with powers, I believe I speak for everyone when I say I'm glad you didn't help" Wanda scoffed as I struggled to push myself off the ground, every inch of my body aching.

"You could leave. I wouldn't miss you or your assaults" I snapped, lunging at her recklessly. Unimpressed by my attempt Wanda simply responded by waving a hand, my legs being pulled out from under me and sending me straight back to the mat. I groaned, my anger evaporating and giving way to pure pain and exhaustion.

"You okay Ollie?" Natasha asked, her voice sounding from somewhere close to me.

"These mats don't help at all. I still feel like I'm landing on concrete" I coughed out, my eyes fluttering open.

"You didn't have to be so rough." Natasha scolded the woman and I grunted in agreement.

"You said she needed to toughen up" Wanda shrugged, playing with red mist as it circled her fingers.

"Toughen up, not kill me" I growled, accepting Natasha's hand and pulling myself up. Wanda hummed, a smug smile slipping onto her face. I tightened my hand into a fist. "You're an ass. My Wanda-"

I was cut off when Wanda disappeared in a flash of blue, picked up by her twin. I rolled my eyes at the two and let out a sigh, willing my body to stop aching at every movement.

Unsurprisingly, just believing doesn't do shit for pain.

I turned to look at Natasha, a grimace settling onto my face. "You have any high strength ibuprofen? Like ten times the normal strength?"

"Why not just take a bunch of normal ones?"

"It's unhealthy apparently" I grumbled, rolling my eyes.

Natasha shrugged. "A lot of things are unhealthy."

I let a chuckle escape me, shaking my head at the shorter woman. "I'm a little worried that you seem to be encouraging me to take an unhealthy amount of pain medicine."

She grinned and nudged me with her shoulder, making me wince in pain. "I wouldn't actually let you."

"I almost wish you would" I groaned, hobbling after the redhead as she took off in an attempt to keep up and not get lost once again.

"So, what's the deal with you and Stark?" She questioned once we stepped into the elevator and I pursed my lips, leaning against the cool metal of the small space. I should have guessed the question would come sooner or later.

"Long story that I don't really like to get into" I said after a couple moments, choosing my words carefully. The former assassin scanned my face with her eyes for a second before nodding and letting the subject go.

"Take two rights and your room is the third door" she instructed, patting my shoulder before shooing me out the elevator. The contraption closed once more and the numbers counted down, taking her to an unknown location.

My gaze lingered on the numbers for a couple seconds before following her instructions, making my way to the room I was in.

"Vision negative one, are there painkillers in here?" I asked loudly, heading for the bathroom.

"There should be some in the cabinet, Ollie" the voice responded and I saluted, opening the cabinet and sighing gratefully when I caught sight of the medicine. "Before you take that, Ms. Romanoff wanted you to meet her in the medical lab."

I groaned and ran a hand over my face. She couldn't have just taken me with her? "For what reason, exactly?"

"She says Dr. Banner wants to run tests on you." There was a pause before the AI added "and that he has something for your pain."

"Should have said that first" I mumbled, popping the bottle back in its spot and heading out of the room. "How do I get there?"

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