Chapter 13 - November, 2016

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Days fell into a steady and satisfying routine. First I would wake up and head to the kitchen, talking to Tony about whatever while we both drank coffee. I was still coming to grips with the fact that I actually enjoyed the company of Tony Stark.

Some days, if I was lucky, Steve would come back from his run and join us, informing me on how the search for his best friend was going.

Training with Nat followed, and when that was done I showered and sought out Pietro, who was usually in front of the television playing a Sonic game. That meant I only stuck around for a couple hours to bother him until I got bored or caught sight of Wanda.

The rest of my day I spent either in my room or bothering Tony in his lab.

"Nice job today" Nat complimented, offering me a towel and bottle of water in her outstretched hands. "Although I could have done without falling through you."

I grinned sheepishly and took the items, wiping my face dry. "I know, but at least I can phase now."

"Only when you know you're going to get your ass kicked. You still can't control it."

I waved her off, gulping down half the bottle. "I'll figure it out."

"You know you could always have Wanda help" Nat suggested but I sent her a look, shutting down the idea. She sighed and shook her head. "It's been a week, Ollie."

I shrugged and saluted the redhead before skipping out of the room and heading back to the room I had begun to call my own.

I took a quick shower before downing the other half of the water bottle, sighing in satisfaction at the cold liquid as it negated the heat lingering in the tiled room.

I wandered out to the bedroom and to the dresser, searching through the clothes to find ones I wanted to wear. I picked out a shirt and some sweatpants, topping it off with a sweatshirt I had stolen from Pietro.

I grabbed my phone from the bed and shoved it in my pocket, looking up to the ceiling.

"Hey JARVIS, where's the speedy little bastard?"

"Pietro Maximoff is currently playing a game in the main room" he answered emotionlessly and I rolled my eyes.

"Of course he is. And the other one?"

"Miss Maximoff is currently in her room."

I pumped my fist. "Score." I slunk out of my room and towards the main area, catching sight of Pietro playing yet another Sonic game.

"Alright, I've had enough. It's my turn to pick" I announced, grabbing the controller from him. He let out a sound of surprise and whipped around to look at me as I paused the game.

"You can't-" He stopped, blinking as he looked at me. "Is that my sweatshirt?"

"You said I could take it yesterday when you took it off, " I said, shrugging.

"No I didn't."

"Okay, well maybe I said 'I'm going to steal this' in your general direction and you didn't stop me because you were busy playing Sonic."

"That doesn't-"

I shushed him and climbed over the back of the couch, plopping down and grabbing the TV remote from beside him. "My turn."

He sighed, mumbling under his breath about his sweatshirt. I changed the TV to the WiiU, heeding Pietro's begging and saving his game first.

"Put in the disc in the case that says 'Super Smash Bros'" I instructed, earning an incredulous look from the man.

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