Chapter 31 - November 27, 2016

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Before I even realized I was awake I could feel the splitting pain in my head and hear a steady beeping I was all too familiar with. I was in a goddamn hospital bed.

"Why am I here?" I grunted, pushing myself up into a sitting position, my eyes still closed.

"You passed out due to exhaustion energy failure. When's the last time you ate?" A masculine voice asked and I finally peeled my eyes open to see Bruce. I opened my mouth to answer the question before realizing that I didn't actually know. I had eaten dinner on Friday with the kids, and I had eaten breakfast on Saturday. I had eaten yesterday too, right? I could remember the exact number of coffees I had, but not what I ate. Was that normal?

"That's what I thought" Bruce sighed, checking the machine next to me. "You should be okay now; you've been out for almost two days so you got your fill of sleep, and the IV has pumped you full of enough nutrients."

"Two days?" I mused, raising my brows. I did feel great, and I don't remember anything from when I was asleep. Maybe I should do this more often.

"No" A new voice said and I looked up, catching sight of Wanda glaring at me, Pietro behind her.

"Hey besties" I grinned, grabbing for the two.

"You scared the shit out of us" Pietro scolded but walked over, letting me pull him into a hug. I turned to Wanda when I was released, holding out my arms. She crossed her own over her chest, unamused.

"Alright, I'm sorry guys. It's been a lot and I haven't been sleeping well lately. But now I'm fine so let's do something" I chirped, sliding out of the bed, only wobbling slightly when my feed hit the floor. Wanda scoffed and rolled her eyes, turning and leaving the room. "Alright, so she's out. What about you Sonic?"

"I have to go on a mission" Pietro said apologetically, ruffling my hair before speeding out.

"I have lame friends" I grumbled, tugging the IV out of my arm.

"They came by a lot when you were out. If anything, I'd say you're pretty lucky to have those two as friends" Bruce commented from where he sat.

If it was anyone else, the quip would have pissed me off. But it was Bruce, and I knew he meant it genuinely. I simply hummed before thanking the man and heading out of the medical area and back to my own room.

"Hey JARVIS, who's around?" I asked, stripping out of the dirty clothes and grabbing a new pair before heading for the shower.

"Dr. Banner, Mr. Stark, and Ms. Maximoff are in the building currently. The rest left for a mission."

"Why don't I go on missions?"

"Ms. Romanoff and Ms. Maximoff believe you need more training. Dr. Banner is concerned for your health," JARVIS answered and I sighed. Fair enough, I suppose.

I pondered my abilities as I showered, trying to come up with where I could improve, but the results were vague, so I decided to ask the AI when I was finished.

"What do they think I need to work on?"

"I am not sure, Miss."

I hummed, leaving my room to wander the facility. After a while I made my way to the lab, walking in to see both Tony and Bruce.

"What's up" I shouted, causing Tony to jump a bit. I cackled as he glared at me.

"I spent the last three hours trying to get this connected and you just fucked it up." He grumbled. I rolled my eyes and approached him, peeking over his shoulder.

"Why not just let me do it? I can just go through it."

Tony blinked before his eyes widened. "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Old age is catching up to you, grandpa" I snorted, shoving my hand into his fancy machine and swiftly connecting the wires. "Look at that, simple."

"You should be resting" Bruce reprimanded lightly, shooting me a look.

"Rest? I slept for two days. I could take on Ultron" I said, bouncing on my feet. "Tony, we should go fight things!"

"I'm busy, so that's a no from me. Why don't you train with Maximoff or something?"

I shrugged. "I don't want to."

"She pissed her off" Bruce tattled. I scowled at him.

"What happens to snitches, JARVIS" I called out, my eyes narrowed at the doctor in front of me.

"They end up in ditches, miss."

"Please don't teach JARVIS these things" Tony sighed before waving me away. "Now go, I'm busy. Go make up with the little witch or something."

"I don't even know why she's upset" I huffed, sulking out of the lab. I had two choices; I could go see if Wanda would train with me or I could play video games until everyone else returned to entertain me.

"Hidden option three it is" I chirped, leaving the compound. I was going to explore the world.

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