Chapter 28 - November 25, 2016

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Today was the fated day that I would start babysitting for the mini Bartons. I had spent the night with Helen and George after everything, going through old pictures I had forgotten even existed. Clint had panic-called me early in the morning, needing further assurance that I wasn't going to bail on them and that I would be able to get to the farmhouse on time.

"I can literally move at the speed of light" I scoffed, moving through the kitchen as I worked to make pancakes for my hosts.

"I know, but we haven't had a vacation in years. I love Nat, but I'm not sure I want her showing Lila how to strangle someone." Clint chuckled and I hummed. He had a point.

"I'll be there at exactly five, alright?" I asked and he sighed.

"Alright. Thank you, Ollie."

I hung up the phone and tossed it onto the counter, starting to hum a tune to a song that wouldn't come out for years. The sound of footsteps alerted me to the approaching presence of Helen and I squeaked in panic.

"Olivia, what are you doing?" The woman asked and I spun around, smiling guiltily.

"I was going to try and make you breakfast in bed but I'm not the best at cooking."

"Oh trust me, I remember" she laughed and I huffed, slinking away from the counter as she moved to take over. I watched the woman move about the kitchen, throwing me back to days of my childhood.

"Do you remember when I used to make myself pasta?" I questioned after a while, breaking the silence.

"You mean when you used to run hot water into a cup in the tub and stick spaghetti in it?" George laughed, appearing in the doorway.

"In my defense it wasn't bad!" I said.

"You used to eat dog food, Olivia. Or course barely cooked noodles were good" Helen laughed and I groaned, burying my head in my hands. I had almost forgotten about that.

To be fair, it was good. I definitely could have gotten cancer from what was in it though. So many moments in my childhood that should have killed me.

"I miss staying the night over here" I said softly, laying my head down on the table. I wish I could go back; restart from when I was 10 and do everything right this time.

Unfortunately that wasn't how time worked, and I was well aware of that now.

"We miss having you here" George smiled, patting me on the shoulder with a rough and calloused hand. "But hey, you're here now so that's what matters."

I grinned, holding back a laugh as I lifted my head off the table. "That's so cheesy." The man rolled his eyes in amusement, sitting across from me at the table.

"So, tell me more about this Wanda girl. You like her?" Helen asked and I groaned, covering my face.

"No, I don't like her, Helen. I can appreciate that she's cute without liking her."

George scoffed and I peeked up at him, seeing him shaking his head. "I've known you for long enough to know that blush you get when you fancy someone, and that's exactly what I'm seeing."

"Fancy someone? You sound like an old british man" I laughed, catching the eye roll from the two. That's exactly what he was, and I used to love making fun of him whenever the british terms slipped into conversations.

"They said that here too, you know" Helen hummed, placing a plate of pancakes in front of me.

"But then it's no fun" I grinned, picking up the pancake with my hands and taking a bite. Helen shot me a look while George sighed in disappointment.

"Olivia Milena Attwood, use a fork right now. You have manners. I know you do because I taught them to you" the older woman scolded and I gulped, grinning sheepishly and grabbing the fork from the table. "And sit correctly, this isn't your Avenging house."

"Avengers, Helen" I whined, untucking my leg from underneath me and placing it on the floor before moving my arm from where it rested on my knee and letting the other do the same. "And it's not my fault I'm gay and can't sit straight."

"Oh lay off her, Helen. Look at her, she doesn't even take syrup with her pancakes, she's clearly no longer human with those powers of hers."

I grumbled, snatching the syrup from the table and dumping an excessive amount onto my pancakes, before smiling tightly and cutting the breakfast up into baby bites. "Happy?"

I spent as much time as I could with the older couple before I danced on the edge of the time I told Clint I would arrive. So I hugged the two before heading back to the facility and throwing some stuff into a bag I borrowed from Helen. I got to the farmhouse at exactly five.

"Ollie, right on time" Clint commented, coming out of the door to greet me.

"I told you" I hummed, peeking around the man at the people who followed him out.

"This is Laura, and you know Nathaniel," Clint introduced, gesturing to the brunette holding Nathaniel on her hip.

I smiled and approached the two, holding out a hand. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Ollie."

"Clint told me about you when you first showed up. Thank you so much for coming" Laura said, smiling warmly at me. She reminded me a little of my own mom.

"Of course. And nice to see you again Nathaniel" I cooed as the toddler reached out, almost falling out of his mother's arms as he grabbed at me. I took him from Laura and bounced him a little, grinning at the boy.

"Leelee" he giggled and I laughed a little, nodding.

"You two must be Lila and Cooper. I've heard about you two" I said to the older kids who were tucked safely behind their parents. They narrowed their eyes at me before Cooper turned to his mom.

"Why can't Aunt Nat just babysit?"

"Nat is busy. Now we have to go, so please be good for Ollie" Laura told the two, kissing them both on the forehead before doing the same to Nathaniel.

The archer and his wife managed to escape before the kids could complain too much, taking off in a jet, although not before Clint could wish me good luck.

"So, what should we do?"

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