Chapter 36 - December 7, 2016

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With Peter in the compound, Tony had been hard at work on a suit for the kid, which meant that he spent his morning coffee time down in his lab. I didn't mind, especially with today being the seventh.

This time it was me who was out of bed first, leaving Wanda curled up underneath the blankets. It was still pitch black outside but I pulled on warmer clothes before creeping out of my room.

I left the compound and found myself in front of the small building I had once lived in. I circled the building, finding the window of the apartment we used to live in. Once I found it I took a breath, floating off the ground and up to the window. I could see myself, or a younger version, moving around the kitchen like a tornado. I watched as she carefully plated a stack of pancakes and hurried them to the table before checking her phone. I did the same with my watch. It was time.

She hurried out of the room and I hesitated before phasing through the wall, my feet coming to rest gently on the floor.

"Wake up monster" Olivia yelled and an alarmed yelp joined the noise before the laughter started. "Hurry up, it's almost your birth wish moment."

I smiled softly. I remember doing this. I started it when he turned four. It was the first year without our parents. I woke up insanely early and made him whatever his favorite breakfast was at the time and then waited until 3:46 to wake him up. I told him that if he made a wish the exact minute he was born that it would come true.

He had asked if he could wish for our mom and dad back. I told him that he couldn't, but that I would tell him stories about them.

"It was snowing outside. Mom woke me up at midnight to tell me that we had to go to the hospital because it was time for you to join our family. You were born at 3:51 on a Sunday." I said softly, my eyes shuttering closed as a tear slipped out.

"I know what I'm going to wish for this year" a familiar voice shouted and I felt my heart tighten.

"You better hurry before the moment passes" Olivia laughed and I could hear them in the hallway, this world's me trying to prevent him from making it to the table.

I glanced down at my watch. One minute.

I left before I got the chance to see him.

I left the way I came, sitting on the ground outside and watching the bright window for well over an hour until the light turned off. They would wake up again later.

I wasn't sure where to go after that, but my heart seemed to know. I ended up in the state park not too far from my old home. I wandered the trails, trying to recall the directions to Oscar's favorite tree; a giant oak that had to be hundreds of years old with thick twisting branches and giant roots that burst from the ground. It took a bit but I found it.

I sat down next to it and closed my eyes. "I don't know if you can hear me from here; I'm in a whole other world. I kind of feel like I abandoned you there. I know you're dead but I can't even visit you. There's nobody to visit you or mom or dad or Helen or George." I felt tears slide down my face as I thought of everyone I had lost. "You'd hate me right now. I have superpowers and I'm friends with the Avengers."

I chuckled, shaking my head a bit. Before he died, Oscar's life goal was to be an Avenger. He always said he would have the power to shapeshift, although once Spider-Man was around he quickly decided he wanted to be spider-man.

"I failed you" I sobbed, my forehead dropping to my knees as I hugged them tightly. "I'm sorry Mom. Dad. You told me to take care of him but I didn't. I let him die. I shouldn't have taken him that weekend. I should have left him with Helen and George, or even waited. I should have" my voice broke off, overpowered by the sobs coming from me.

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