Chapter 46 - December 18, 2016

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"That was a complete abuse of power" I breathed, lying on the floor of the main room trying to catch my breath.

"Definitely" Yelena agreed, laying on the floor next to me.

"You wrecked my bike" Nat growled at us. I held up my hands in surrender and smiled, although I was sure it looked more like a grimace.

"We're even now, right?"

"I guess" Nat sighed "but only because Tony replaced it."

I sighed in relief and Yelena mirrored it. I let my head loll to the side to look down at the blonde. "So, what was up with yesterday?"

"Just wanted to make Wanda jealous enough that you two would get together" Yelena shrugged, wriggling around so her head rested on my stomach. Her head turned to face me and a grin took over her face. "Did it work?"

"Not in that way" I gasped, reading into the grin and puffing my stomach up to move her head. "I'm not sure what we are though."

"Ask her" Yelena hissed and before I could ask I heard someone clear their throat. My eyes wandered to the doorway to see the brunette in question. I perked up, smiling happily.


I frowned at the weight on me and pushed Yelena off me aggressively before making grabby hands at the witch. She tried to bite back a smile at my obvious loyalty but failed as she walked over, not so subtly kicking Yelena in the side.

"Ow" she grunted, glaring at Wanda before scooting away.

"You kinda deserved it" I yelled after her, earning the middle finger from her before she disappeared down the hall. I turned my attention back to the woman standing by my head and I held my hands up.

"Come on, I made dinner," Wanda laughed, flicking her wrist. The red magic lifted me up and set me on my feet next to the woman.

"Aww, you made dinner just for me?"

Wanda rolled her eyes but her smile betrayed her. "It wasn't for you." She led the way into the kitchen and I grinned widely.

"You made my favorite foods and it wasn't for me?" I teased, and she rolled her eyes once more.

"Just eat."

I hummed, happily doing as I was told. Once I was finished Wanda used her magic to clean the dishes, smiling wickedly at me as she pulled on my hand.

"Come on, we're watching the Dick van Dyke show."

"We've already watched all of it" I whined, recalling the torturous hours of sitting through a black and white show.

"You ate my food" Wanda hummed and I gasped, shooting out of my chair and pointing an accusatory finger at her.

"J'accuse! Twas a bribe!"

Wanda rolled her eyes, grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. "If we're dating then you have to watch sitcoms with me."

I felt my body still, her words hitting me full force. She said dating? Like, girlfriends? Was there a way to misinterpret that? I kind of assumed she would try and pretend yesterday didn't happen; that maybe she didn't even like me that much but-

"Stop thinking so much" Wanda said softly, cupping my cheeks and gently pulling my face down to her level.

"You can hear me again" I commented, trying to distract her from the millions of thoughts of her lips that I knew were running through my brain. She rolled her eyes and pressed her lips to mine, making me smile into the kiss. I was kissing Wanda. Wanda was my girlfriend.

"You're stupid" She laughed when my smile got big enough to break the kiss, my heart racing and my mind running a mile a minute, each thought centered on her.

"You're the one who wants to date me" I teased, pressing another kiss on her lips. "I've decided that if I get cuddles and kisses that I'll watch your sitcoms for as long as you want."

"As long as I want?" She tested and I nodded, swooping down for another kiss. She grinned happily, pulling me with her as she left the kitchen and went straight to my room.

"Why do we always come to my room?" I questioned, although I was grateful for it as I needed a shower after my day of training.

"Because you need a shower" Wanda voiced. I caught my amazement after a moment, shaking my head as I reminded myself that she could read minds. She laughed at my thoughts and I huffed, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Get out of my head" I whined, pouting.

"I don't want to, there's so much space in there."

I gaped at the woman, my jaw dropping open. "Did you just call me empty headed? I'll have you know there's a giant brain in my head."

"Just go shower" she laughed and I bit back a smile. The banter between us had been unsteady and shaky for a while; neither of us sure of the place we held in the other's heart. But now we settled into a new place, the teasing familiar and comfortable.

I grabbed some clothes and showered quickly before jumping back into bed, earning a surprised yelp from Wanda as she bounced a little. I pulled her onto me and captured her lips for a short kiss.

"What was that for?" Wanda asked, her face scrunched in giddy confusion.

"I missed you and needed a kiss."

"You were only gone for fifteen minutes."

"Too long. I may die" I grinned, pecking her once more. She smiled widely, her nose scrunching. I felt myself melt a little at the subconscious action, a conviction to see it as often as possible setting in.

Wanda caught my train of thought and her cheeks grew red as she hid her face in my sweatshirt. "Stop thinking of me."

"I will never do that" I whispered, placing a delicate kiss on the top of her head before loosely wrapping my arms around her to keep her on top of me.

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