Chapter 21 - November 15, 2016

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"Stop phasing" Wanda growled from her spot, her fingers wiggling around as another ball of red mist formed, ready to be shot at me.

"If you wanted to hit me I can think of a few-" I broke off with a squeak, phasing to avoid the pain that would accompany being hit. I frowned, glaring at the witch. "Hey! Let me finish my joke!"

"The whole point of training with me is to figure out the rest of your powers" Wanda shouted frustratedly, trying to hit me again. "So stop phasing!"

"Hell no, it hurts real bad when you hit me" I whined, pouting. "Plus, if I have to use more than one trick you have to too. With your red wiggly woo ball."

She rolled her eyes but smiled wickedly. "Fine then." I felt myself being lifted from the ground and I started flailing around, attempting to get free before I got too high.

"Wait, Wanda, my best friend, gorgeous Wanda, you don't have to do this. I love your current training regimen, no need to change it now right?" My voice broke a little as I struggled to get free, my fears causing my heart rate to rise.

"No no, I think you were right" Wanda hummed, holding me up next to her in the air.

"Wanda, maybe you should-" Pietro was cut off by a glare from his sister. He held up his hands in surrender and backed away a couple steps.

"Traitor" I grumbled.

Wanda raised a brow at me and angled her hand toward the ground, sending me speeding downward. I felt my heart stop as I hit the ground, landing with one leg bent and my knee hovering an inch above the ground, my palm against the cold dirt.

I breathed heavily as my heart began to beat again, thumping hard and making my chest ache. I shakily stood up with help from Pietro and looked myself over. I survived; I was alive.

I was alive and I was going to kill Wanda.

"Are you serious?" I growled, glaring at the woman who now floated above the ground, a smug look on her face.

"It worked" she said, shrugging. It was really clear to see how the Maximoffs were twins. Both had extremely concerning tactics when it came to my powers.

"You could have killed me" I snapped, my hands clenched into fists at my sides as my body grew warmer. I kept my eyes as she got closer, descending to the ground.

"Well, you should be glad we figured it out, because now it won't hurt when you fall."

I furrowed my brows and looked around, my anger evaporating, instantly being replaced by fear. I was in the air.

"Stop. Let me down. You already proved yourself" I begged, thrashing around again.

"That's all you this time" she snickered and I felt an inner battle begin.

On the one hand, I could fucking fly. On the other hand, heights were one of the worst things in the world.

"Okay, fun, new power, now how do I get down?" I panicked, flapping my arms in an attempt to return to the ground.

"Just breathe," Wanda laughed, holding out a hand. I eyed it cautiously, well aware of the way she liked to fake me out. "I'm not going to hurt you."

"You say that but you just dropped me fifteen feet."

She rolled her eyes, shaking her head a little. "I would have caught you if you got too close, but you were pissing me off."

"Still no excuse to let me freefall" I huffed, still looking at her outstretched hand.

Wanda raised her eyebrows, starting to withdraw it. "Alright, stay up here."

"No, no, wait. Please help" I begged, scrambling forward and latching on to her hand. She grinned, starting to descend, tugging me with her until I was safely back on the ground.

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