Chapter 23 - November 16, 2016

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I was jolted awake by a loud banging coming from my door, my heart beating so hard I could feel myself shake.

"Ollie, you're late for coffee" Tony's voice boomed and I groaned, my eyes blinking a couple times as my heart slowed.

"Why is everyone on this team so goddamn clingy?"

Before I could question why I was laying on my back my attention was drawn by a soft hum, pulling my eyes off the ceiling and down to the mess of hair that tickled my nose. My brows furrowed for a moment, trying to recall what was happening.

Wanda and I were watching the Dick Van Dyke show last I remember, so how did we end up like this?

Her face was buried in my neck, hot breath sending shivers down my body while the rest of her body laid half on top of me, her arm wrapped loosely around my stomach. My legs were tangled with hers under the blanket, her cool skin pressing against mine.

I looked down at her face, watching as her nose scrunched up, alerting the world to her upcoming awakening as Tony continued to yell through the door.

"JARVIS, tell Tony to calm the hell down and that I'll meet him in the kitchen" I told the AI, my voice further waking the woman on top of me as her eyes fluttered open, showing off green orbs that made my stomach churn.

It took the brunette a second to realize where she was, because once she had she hastily pulled herself off me, untangling her legs from mine as she moved to get off the bed.

"I'm sorry, I must have fallen asleep and I didn't realize-"

"It's okay, Maximoff" I broke in, sitting up and clearing my throat as I rotated my shoulder a little. "I fell asleep too, obviously. No harm done unless you count the fact that I can't feel my arm."

Wanda nodded, chewing on her lip as she shifted from side to side, as if she wanted to say something else. She seemed to decide against it and she shot me a shaky smile before hurrying out of the room.

When she was gone I fell back into bed and dropped my hands onto my face, attempting to slow the rushing thoughts that muddled together.

"What the hell was that?" I hissed, my energy evaporating as if I hadn't just had the most satisfying sleep since I had arrived in this timeline.

I couldn't remember the last time I had cuddled with the Wanda from my timeline. It must have been years ago, before she and Vision started dating, but it had never been like that.

Or had it?

Waking up cuddling with this Wanda felt normal, and the churning in my stomach when I met her sleepy eyes didn't feel as foreign as it should have. As I wanted it to. It just felt right.

Which in turn felt so wrong.

I couldn't stop my head from spinning as I meandered to the kitchen, pouring myself a cup of coffee and collapsing into my seat.

"You look exhausted, did you pull an all-nighter? That why you didn't come down?" Tony asked and I grunted, taking a large gulp of coffee, wincing a little as it burned my tongue. Tony eyed me before sighing and tossing something at me. I blinked in confusion and picked it up, eyes widening when I saw the card.

"You actually got me one" I marveled, running a finger over my name.

"I figured it would be easier than you extorting money out of me at every chance" he chuckled. "Glad to see that woke you up a bit."

I grinned sheepishly. "Sorry T, I had a lot of thoughts in my brain that were making me pissy."

"Clearly" he hummed, taking a sip of his coffee before pointing to me. "There is a weekly limit of two thousand on that. You aren't going on missions yet so you shouldn't need more than that."

I gaped at the man. "Two thousand? And I don't pay rent or anything either, that's just for fun?"

"What can I say, I've taken a liking to you" Tony shrugged and I squealed, shooting out of my seat and hugging him tightly before backing away, bouncing on my feet a little.

"I'm going to the mall."

"It's seven in the morning Ollie, nothing is open" he reminded me and I huffed, deflating back into my chair. "Do you need to borrow a car?"

I perked back up, shaking my head. "I have super speed, and it's faster than Pietro!"

Tony furrowed his brows. "You what?"

I jumped out of my chair, once again bouncing on my toes. "Yeah, Bruce said because my powers have to do with some kind of spectrum I can move at the speed of light."

"So it's basically teleportation?" Tony asked, his interest drawn as he leaned forward.

"Pretty much. I even did it with Wanda on my back yesterday." I gasped loudly, a thought coming to me. "I wonder if I can go to other countries once I get how it works. Can I walk on water? Can I fly fast too?"

"You can fly?"

I waved him off. "That's old news, keep up."

"What's going on?" Nat's voice joined the conversation as she and Clint entered the room, Clint sporting a baby as well.

"What happened to the SHIELD mission?" I asked, eyeing the baby. "And why do you only have one?"

"Laura needed a break. The other two are at school. We just had to stop by to give an update on what's going on."

"To Fury?" I asked, causing both Nat and Tony to focus on me. I held my hands up. "Future, remember?"

"Didn't he die?" Tony asked and I grimaced, remembering that Ultron never happened here so Tony never spoke to the eyepatched man.

"He's so adorable" I told Clint, changing the subject and waving to the chubby baby. He laughed and began to struggle, muttering a small "down" as he wiggled his chubby legs. His dad complied, setting him on the ground carefully.

"He's adorable, but I forgot how hard it is to have a baby. Lila's already ten and I don't remember her being this hard."

I hummed, smiling down at the boy as he toddled over to me and set his hands on my knees, bouncing up and down a little. "Babies are hard, for sure, but it's when they hit two that it's an absolute nightmare."

"You have a kid?" Nat asked and I looked up, seeing the three Avengers regarding me curiously.

"I, uh, had a little brother. He was born when I was 16 so I helped my parents out a lot." I said softly, picking up Nathaniel and standing him on my lap, my hands securing his waist as he reached for my coffee.

"What happened?" Clint asked after a moment and I cleared my throat, focusing on the toddler and ignoring the question.

"What's his middle name? In my timeline it was Pietro because the speedy little demon saved you from certain death."

"It's Charles, after my mentor" Clint revealed, choosing not to pursue the question. I shot him a thankful smile before letting my hand phase through Nathaniel's.

"Wow" he said, my heart melting at the adorable baby voice. I did it again and he squealed in delight, attempting to grab my hand and giggling when it didn't work.

"If you and Laura ever need a babysitter I should inform you that I'd do it for free and I can get there at the speed of light" I told Clint when I finally handed his kid back to him.

"I'm sure Laura would be thrilled to hear that" Clint laughed. I waved goodbye to Nathaniel and Nat before they headed out, leaving me alone in the kitchen. Tony had escaped earlier, citing some excuse about work in the lab.

I glanced at the clock. I would have to wait a while if I planned to go anywhere, but I no longer felt in the mood so I instead chose to retreat to my room.

"JARVIS, if anyone comes to my door or is looking for me tell them I'm having a me day."

"Understood, Miss."

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