Chapter 59 - December 31, 2016

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"I feel like this is too fancy" I murmured to myself, adjusting the button up I had on, extremely grateful that I didn't have to stuff myself into another dress.

"It's Stark's party" Wanda reminded me, coming over to smooth down my shirt.

"I can do it!" I whined as I batted her hands away, smoothing my own shirt down before looking in the mirror at the two of us. "I know it's a Stark party but it's New Years, that's a casual holiday."

"This is as casual as it gets with Stark" Pietro commented, popping his head in the door. Like me he wore a button up and a pair of suit pants, although his outfit seemed to lack the suit jacket that mine featured.

Although it was subtle, Wanda had chosen matching outfits for the two of us and it reminded me of the Prom I never attended; her white dress matching the button up I had on underneath a deep navy suit.

"If you don't hurry, you'll be late" Pietro reminded us before he disappeared, heading towards the party. I hummed, once again having to shoo Wanda's hands, this time from my hair.

"Don't mess it up" I huffed, moving my bangs to the side and doing my best to look at the intricate braid Clint had done. It was gorgeous and reminded me of how pitiful it was that nobody else held the skill to braid hair decently.

"Are you ready?" Wanda asked and I nodded, holding out my arm to her. She latched onto it with a smile and we started for the party.

Similar to the other Stark party I had attended in my first days here the room was filled both with people I didn't know and people I did. Unlike the last one, though, I had no plans on resigning myself to a corner and leaving early.

"Clint!" I chirped happily, catching sight of the man. I excused myself from Wanda before hurrying over to him. "Thank you again for doing my hair!"

"Of course, no problem. Glad to put my skills to use" he chuckled. "You are good though, right? I'm sorry again I couldn't come check on you after you were stable."

"You're all good Barton" I assured him, waving him off. "Spending holidays with your family is important."

He hummed, before seeming to remember something. "Right, Lila wanted me to tell you that you have to come to her birthday party."

I grinned at the thought of the middle Barton. It felt like ages since I had seen them and I was dying to go back when I felt better.

"Really? When? How old is she turning? What kind of present does she want? What kind of cake-"

"Calm down" Clint laughed and I pursed my lips, still bouncing excitedly. "She's turning 10 on the 14th. She's been getting into archery, much to Laura's annoyance, so we were planning to get her a bow and some arrows."

I hummed, already formulating ideas in my head. "Perfect. I'll be there, of course. I need to remain her favorite person."

Clint and I spoke a bit more before breaking away, him to socialize and me to locate Wanda since I told her I would return after I spoke to the archer. I found her rather easily, or she found me, and we spoke to the strangers that wandered and the party until catching up with Tony and Pepper as the time neared midnight.

"Nice party, Stank" I teased the man, Wanda slapping my shoulder.

"Is he here?" Tony asked exasperatedly, beginning to look around while Pepper turned, hiding her laughter. "He keeps showing up and I've told him multiple times that it's Stark."

"There's no doubt he knows that" I laughed, shaking my head at the billionaire before turning to Pepper, sticking my hand out. "I'm Olivia Attwood, but everyone calls me Ollie."

The ginger smiled, taking my hand. "I'm Pepper Potts, but I'm sure you knew that already."

"I did" I confirmed with a grin, releasing her hand and stepping back to stand beside Wanda. "I still can't understand how Tony convinced you to marry him."

"Persistence and lots of near death experiences" Tony shrugged. Pepper rolled her eyes at him, clearly used to his snark. We spoke for a bit more before the countdown from a minute appeared on the numerous screens around us.

"This is going to be your first new years with us" Wanda said softly and I glanced around the room at the people scattered around the room I had come to care about, a smile forming on my face. I looked back at Wanda, my smile growing.

"We better make it a good one, then" I muttered, wrapping my arms around her waist. I waited as the crowd around us counted down, capturing her lips with mine as the cheers signifying the new year erupted.

"Happy New Year" Pietro shouted, and I felt Wanda being ripped from in front of me by the speedster, inevitably starting the first twin brawl of the new year. The rest of the Avengers filtered over, either to say "Happy New Year"

or to break up the bickering.

I watched the scene with a large grin on my face, my side hurting from laughing and I found myself wishing that this moment, this feeling, would last forever. That I would always feel so happy and sure with the fact that I was here for the rest of my life.

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