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Rei peered up at the large three storey house through narrowed eyes.

"Nice place," The Taxi driver whistled appreciatively, "You living here all alone though?" He gave her a doubtful glance and Rei raised her eyebrows at him silently. "Sorry," He apologised sheepishly suddenly realising how that might come off. "Um, that'll be fifty five dollars."

She reached into the pocket of her jeans and counted out the money before handing it over with a polite smile.

"Have a good day!" The man called through his half rolled down window as he performed a tight u-turn so that he could go back down the private drive.

She nodded with a fake smile and watched until she could no longer see the car.

"It would be going much nicer if the freaking weather could make up its damn mind." Rei grumbled crabbily.

Turning back around, she noticed that the late dusk light had coated everything in a light, dusky pink. The white pebbles that made up the small circular courtyard in front of the house looked more like faded rose right now. The entire property gave off an impenetrable sense of privacy; trees encircled the area while delicate looking daffodils, tulips and other varieties of spring flowers were growing in the small flower bed that was framing the house's right side.

Rei glared resentfully at the ordinary front door before shuffling forward, keys in hand.

The courtyard was clearly designed with a practical bent; she couldn't imagine that any car or truck wouldn't have amble space to swing back around so it could travel back down the drive.

Slotting the key into the lock Rei pushed the door open without hesitation and stepped inside.

It was beautiful. Hermione, in an effort to make this move as easy as possible had spent countless hours trying to find her best friend a home she could conceivably find some happiness in living in. It suited her perfectly.

A little out of town, to get to the property you pulled off the highway onto a well maintained white pebbled drive which went on for at least three kilometres, probably so you didn't get any of the traffic noise now that she thought of it. The drive was private and thin, clearly a one-way system, but it was lined with giant oak trees on either side interspersed with whatever native flora was in bloom that season.

Rei sighed loudly, no smile on her face as she took in the interior.

Bay windows that she knew continued upstairs flooded the house with sunlight; the windows enormous and strategically placed so that the sun would never glare through their panels at dawn and dusk but rather filter the light so that it created a far softer effect. It was charming.

Standing in the entrance, the front door wide open behind her Rei let the carry-on bag slide down her arm and connect loudly with the timber floorboards at her feet.

This structure had probably never witnessed a sad thing in all its time. That was the feel of the place. Well loved and well looked after.

"Urgh," Rei grimaced with disgust and spun sharply on her heel, scooping up the new car keys that were lying in a small bowl on the floor as she stalked back outside closing the door behind her with a loud bang.

Rick stared morosely into his empty glass. This day could not get any worse.

"Another one?" The bartender pointed to his glass in explanation.

"Yep," He pushed the glass forward before sitting back and letting his eyes drift over what was left of the Mystic Grill's dinner crowd.

He tipped his head in thanks as his glass was returned, this time full of bourbon.

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