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Damon! Damon, would you slow down!" Elena yelled, pulling her arm free of his tight grasp as they left the Grill. "God, what has gotten into you?!"

The vampire spun around, his face stony, "That girl in there is not what she seems! She threatened me, Elena!"

She stared up at him through disbelieving eyes, "You were the one that exploded in a fit of temper because she tripped you Damon! I'm not surprised that she threatened you. You were a total ass in there."

Elena sucked in a deep breath when the black haired Salvatore stepped close to her, invading her personal space.

"She knows something, Elena," He cautioned seriously. "She said that she could make life very difficult for me if she wanted to. If that wasn't a signed sealed and delivered confession to say she knows what I am, I don't know what is."

Was he serious?! The brunette crossed her arms and fixed him with an incredulous stare.

"Honestly? That's what this is? That's why you acted like a total nutcase in there!"

"She knows Elena!" He growled furiously, hating the fact that she was completely dismissing what he had to say.

"All because she said that she could make life very difficult for you?" She sighed tiredly. "Please Damon; I don't have time for this."

Elena blinked at the earnest blue eyes that were all of a sudden only inches from her own.

"I've been alive for over one hundred and sixty years, Elena. I know the difference between careless remarks and words that were intended as a warning."

For the first time since he'd started rambling Elena actually listened to what Damon was saying, studying the emotions in his eyes. What she discovered there stunned her, erasing her doubts. Frustrated blue orbs were staring at imploringly, but they were sincere. He was telling the truth.

"She knows?" Elena exhaled with alarm.

Damon straightened up, running a hand through his hair, "Yep." This time when he wrapped an arm around her waist and guided her to his car Elena didn't protest.

That tiny girl in there had knowingly looked a vampire straight in the eye and threatened him?!

A thought occurred to her as she clicked in the seat-belt and she immediately turned towards Damon. "Is she a vampire? Is that how she knew?" This girl had met her aunt!

Damon scoffed, "Hardly. She's either like your best friend judgy, or, and this is far more likely, she's just an ordinary human girl who's run across our kind before for one reason or another."

"You think she could be a witch?"

"Honestly? No. We were getting on just fine before you joined our little conversation. No witch chats casually with a vampire."

Elena let her head drop into her hands with a groan. They already had so many problems she wasn't sure she could handle another one.

"What are we going to do?" She murmured to herself.

Letting her hands fall into her lap Elena slid sideways so that her forehead rested against the cool glass of the car window.

She couldn't believe that she was even thinking this, but somehow, up against the possible life threatening plots of her vampire ancestor, Caroline's recent turning and the fact that the Lockwood's could possibly be honest to God werewolves, the fact that a normal teenage girl knew about Damon and would probably soon know about Stefan too didn't seem as pressing a crisis in the whole grand scheme of things. Then again, if Rei told anyone what she knew...

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