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Caroline took a deep drink from the crystal tumbler full of blood that Damon had given her while she watched the Salvatore brothers argue over who was going to kill Katherine.

"But why can't we just tell her that we don't have the moonstone!" She pleaded. "Then she'll have to go away."

Damon fixed her with a sneering look, "Seriously Barbie? Why on Earth would she believe us?"

Caroline glared. Did he always have to be so rude to her? "Because it's the truth! Tell her that the box was empty when we found it."

Stefan sunk down into the empty seat next to her, "That's not going to satisfy her, Caroline. She'll just assume that we're being difficult and hiding it. She'll begin going after the people we all care about in retaliation." His eyes begged her to understand, to accept this.

She glanced between the brother's immovable expressions hoping that one of them would say something to make this situation not seem quite so hopeless, but she was disappointed. Sighing dejectedly, Caroline looked down.

"We're going to need some help," Stefan spoke up.

"Already on it brother," Damon smirked and they all looked up at the doorway hearing approaching footsteps.

Alaric Saltzman lumbered into view, a large bag clutched in each hand. "I got your message. Is it just the four of us?" He asked, actually sounding pleased by that fact while his eyes looked around the room searchingly.

"I called Bonnie," Stefan told him, "If we want this to work we're going to need her magic."

"And I believe that baby Gilbert is on his way over here as we speak," Damon rolled his eyes. "I'm getting the sense that baby brother doesn't like feeling so useless, so…I hope you brought your best stuff."

Feeling sorry for the suddenly nervous looking teacher, Caroline leaned forward with a smile, "How's Jenna doing, Mr Saltzman?"

"I haven't seen her today actually. Damon's message said to come over straight away, and well," He rubbed his forehead with his thumbnail. "…I needed to come anyway."

A loud knock distracted everyone and Stefan was out of his chair and opening the front door almost instantly. Caroline beamed brightly at the sight of the person on the other side.

"Hey Rick, what's this one do?" She heard Damon ask behind her, but she didn't pay him any attention. A bewildered looking Bonnie was walking towards them holding a tattered book to her chest and she was far more focused on trying to catch her friend's notice with a hello wave.

The unexpected sound of something ejecting with a small hiss of air made her eyes widen and Caroline spun on her heel, newly acquired senses flaring, alert for any danger.

She wasn't sure whether to be relieved at what she found or disturbed. Alaric was wearing a sleeve of some sort on his arm but that wasn't what alarmed her. It was the pointed stake that he was now holding at Damon's chest in wordless explanation.

"Wow Mr Saltzman," She laughed uneasily, eyeing the weapon with none of the male appreciation that Damon currently was. "High school teacher by day, hunter of the species I've recently become a member of by night. Got to admit," Caroline gave him a joking scared look. "Don't think I'm going to be handing in my homework late ever again."

Alaric gave her a reassuring look but she couldn't help frowning at the kind man in concern when she noticed that the expression was only half hearted.

"You okay?" She stepped forward.

"Rick?" Damon waved a hand in front of the man's eyes when he didn't immediately answer.

Mr Saltzman jerked back, sending the male vampire an annoyed glare before awkwardly clearing his throat, "Actually, there is something…" When he glanced down at his wrist watch again, Caroline realised for the first time that he'd been checking it constantly since he'd arrived. "I need to tell you-"

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