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Rei tapped her finger against her leg, glaring blackly at the wall opposite her.

She was bored. Terribly, completely, she wasn't sure she had ever been at this level of absolute boredom, bored.

There was nothing to do. Nothing! Seriously, how did people live in this town?!

She'd woken up at the crack of dawn, raring to go. A quick shower, banana and cup of tea had wasted all of thirty minutes before she'd shoved her dirty dishes in the sink and sprinted up the stairs to the attic. Her entire concentration focused on completing her first wandless transfiguration. To say that she was furious would be an understatement when, barely an hour later, familiar tingles of pain in her head and joints had begun to materialise and all that sat on the table was the world's most useless letter opener.

Dr Bryant had said that when those symptoms started to stir, it was her body's way of telling her to stop. He'd even had the gumption to say that he thought it a very elegant system. By that stage she'd hardly been able to get out of bed, a fact which the healer ought to be inordinately grateful for, otherwise, he'd have had to explain to his colleagues why the Girl-who-lived gave him a black eye.

As it stood right now, her body could only handle a maximum of one hour of magic once a day. Her only consolation was that the more she improved, the more magic her body and core got used to channelling, the shorter her recovery time would become.

But sadly, it left her in the impossible situation of having absolutely nothing to do with herself during her unoccupied waking hours.

Rei suddenly pushed herself off the couch and stalked towards the front door. Grabbing her jacket from the coat stand that she'd placed there yesterday, she made sure that she had her house keys before pulling the door open and stepping out into the early morning air.

She breathed in deeply before bending down to tighten the laces on her running shoes.

Peering at the nature around her, Rei decided that she didn't really care where she ended up and set off at a brisk jog down her long drive. If nothing else, the exercise would help her get rid of at least some of the excess energy that had been gathering up inside of her for days now, determined to drive her crazy.

It was only minutes later that she was locking the gate to her property shut behind her, and following the highway down into the main street of town. When she'd been driving around the other day she noticed a park just beyond the main town square that had several trails leading into the woods. Sure, the actual run might take more than an hour but apparently, Rei grumbled internally, she had the time.

Jogging lazily down the early morning footpath she was just passing the Grill when she suddenly crashed into somebody.

She wasn't prepared in the least and her fall reflected that. Bouncing off a hard chest, her considerably smaller figure fell back onto the hard path, her elbow grazing against the concrete while her butt took most of the impact.

"Ow," She swore colourfully under her breath, instinctively bringing a hand to her backside in some futile effort to relieve the injured soreness there.

A hand suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

Rei blinked and looked up. A kind looking man with glasses was staring down at her with a small amused smile on his lips. She took stock of his tall figure with exasperation, seriously how hadn't she seen him?

"Thanks," She muttered, probably not as graciously as she should have, but the cause of her accident didn't seem to mind.

He chuckled lowly as she reached up to take hold of his hand. "Sorry about that," He apologised, pulling her to her feet.

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