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Taking a sip from the alcoholic cocktail she'd managed to charm out of the bartender earlier; Rei observed his depressed slouch from the corner of her eye. "She actually say that?"

"Elena was angry with John for bringing up Isobel around Jenna, but yeah. She's sympathetic, and I think that she knows we can't keep her in the dark for much longer, but she just doesn't know how to tell her about everything."

Fair point, Rei conceded silently, but the longer they put it off, the worse she would take it.

"So, you're going to break up with her?" She asked quietly.

Alaric's lips curved up into a bitter smile. "Pretty sure she already did that."

At that precise moment, emerald eyes caught the entrance of four familiar figures walking through the Grill doors, and winced. "Then this is going to get very awkward, very fast."

Following her line of sight, Alaric groaned. "No way."

"Oh, buck up!" Rei jabbed him playfully with her elbow. "You can't be that surprised to see them here. From what I've been able to gather, a live band at the Grill is a monumental event," She drawled sarcastically.

He turned around to give her a humour-filled look. "You really have a thing against small town life, don't you?"

"I'm just used to a somewhat more exciting environment," She rolled her eyes.

"More exciting than vampires, kidnapping werewolves and endless charity events?" He smirked, drinking deeply from his tumbler full of bourbon.

She waved his joking question aside; her eyes having picked up a surprised bundle of blonde energy headed their way.

"Rei!" Caroline squealed happily, making Alaric jump with surprise.

"I hate that vampires make no noise when they sneak up behind you," The hunter grumbled under his breath.

"I didn't know that you were coming to this thing tonight," Caroline said with the barest hint of disapproval, showing no signs that she'd heard her teacher's comment. "You should have told me."

Rei raised an amused eyebrow at the blonde. "Is that so? Then why didn't you tell me that you were coming?"

She'd meant the words to be teasing, a fact that she was sure Caroline knew, but for some reason the vampire's face suddenly dropped, the smile slipping from her face.

Before she could question her another voice interrupted their conversation.

"Alaric!" Turning around, she saw a happily surprised Elena gliding towards them when brown eyes suddenly flicked over to her. "…And, Rei…" Elena finished weakly, and for the second time tonight she saw a smile vanish from somebody's lips.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what was wrong.

Rei smiled politely, "Hello Elena."

The brunette gave her a tight, mute nod before turning to Alaric. "Um, Rick? Can I talk to you?" She asked, the short jerk of her head telling everyone that she wanted that word to be had in private.

With a covert, questioning glance at her, Alaric coughed. "Sure." He nodded, rising from the bar stool.

Emerald eyes surveyed the crowd curiously. "…I'm guessing she's mad because of what I said about Elijah, huh?" Rei asked the stiff blonde standing beside her.

"Nope," Caroline's tone was sharp and clipped, immediately capturing her attention.

She looked up to see the vampire watching the pair walking away from them with a small scowl wrinkling her forehead.

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