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Elena glared hatefully at her mirror image. "I don't want her here," She snapped. "Get her out of here!"

"I don't really like you much either, Elena," Katherine shrugged. "But I promised that I would stay and help with the Klaus situation, so here I am."

Why was it that this woman seemed able to get under her skin like no-one else?!

"And we're just meant to believe that?" Elena scoffed loudly, beginning to pace the length of Stefan's room. "You care about no-one but yourself! We'd never be able to trust her!" She shot both Salvatore brothers an angry, imploring glare. How could they not tell her that Katherine was out of the tomb!

"She's right," Damon drawled from where he was leaning casually against the door's frame. "We can't trust you."

Elena felt her ire immediately cool, relieved that at least one of them saw her point.

Katherine twisted her neck around to give Damon an irritated look. "You need me." She stated seriously. "You have no idea what Klaus is capable of. Where he is, when he's coming, what he even looks like…? I do."

"So tell us," Stefan raised his brows at the female vampire challengingly. "I mean, if we are really in this together like you say."

"I'd be more concerned about the little visitor you had here last night," Katherine arched an eyebrow at them, smirking.

Damon immediately pushed off from the doorway, his brows drawn down into a deep frown. "What are you talking about?" He demanded. "When I came back last night the only person here was you, in my shower."

Katherine hummed, flicking through one of the aged volumes scattered across Stefan's desk.

Elena scowled. "She's lying. That's all she ever does."

"Wrong again," Her ancestor sung, but the dark look in her eyes as she lifted them to connect with Elena's identical brown betrayed her deep hatred for the human doppelgänger. "But since we're all after the same thing...Klaus dead, I suppose I should tell you." She mused thoughtfully, purposefully dragging out the tension.

"You want to work with us, Katherine?" Stefan crossed his arms, attracting the room's attention. "Don't play games with us."

Shocked, Elena turned incredulous eyes on her boyfriend, unable to believe that he actually thought that something as simple as that could possibly have any impact on a succubus such as her. Hazel orbs darted over to her quickly, sensing her gaze, and she immediately relaxed at the cautious light that they held.

He was bluffing.

Katherine surveyed them for a long moment before speaking. "I don't know her name. She never introduced herself. But she was looking for Elijah, she knew that he'd been daggered mere hours after the fact. Curious, isn't it?"

"She was looking for Elijah?" Elena gasped, exchanging alarmed looks with both brothers. "How? There was no-one up at the Lake house but us. How would this person know where to come looking?" She glanced between them quickly, searching for answers.

"His witches," Stefan suggested.

"Didn't you say that they were warlocks?" Katherine gave him a disappointed look, as if she'd expected more intelligence from him than that.

Elena gritted her teeth, despising the way the female vampire acted like she had a say in anything. As if she were the automatic queen of the manor.

"He's an Original," Elena snapped back. "He can't have more than two warlocks in his service? Now who's being naïve?" she smiled nastily.

Katherine shot her a withering stare.

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