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Damon pulled furiously at the cuffs binding him to the chair, grunts of effort escaping past his clenched teeth every few seconds as he yanked desperately against the metal.

He needed to get free! Elijah had just blurred out of here without a word, leaving him trapped! Jesus, that blasted Original better be going to help Rei or so help him, he'd….! Groaning with effort, he pulled up with all his strength trying to break the cuffs but they wouldn't budge.

Without warning, the body at his feet suddenly lurched upright with a sharp intake of air.

"Rick! Rick!" Damon called, kicking out with his foot when the man didn't instantly respond, a dazed look in his eyes. "Snap out of it! We've got to get over to Rei's, she's in trouble!"

"Wha-?" Alaric staggered to his feet unsteadily, clutching at his neck. "Rei? What are you talking about, Damon?"

Growling, he pulled at his restraints, "The wolves went to her house, they think she knows where the moonstone is-! For Gods sake! Would you get me out of these things?!" He yelled.

Alaric's eyes widened with horrified understanding and a second later he was tripping over his own feet in his haste to search the pockets of the dead bodies. With a yell of victory he raised the keys into the air and hurried over to release him, Damon growling under his breath the whole time. As soon as the first cuff was open, he pulled up with his other hand, using the strength in both arms to break the second restraint.

"I'll drive!" Rick yelled over his shoulder, jogging out of the room as Damon bent down to rip off the chains circling his ankles.

The very instant he was free Damon was blurring out the still wide-open front door and jumping into the running car waiting for him.

"You know where you're going?" He quickly checked, his hand already reaching for his phone in case he needed to call someone to find out her address.

"Yeah, I do," Rick tore out of the drive, his foot pressed to the floor. "Why the hell did they go after Rei?!" He demanded.

"They thought she would know where the moonstone was, I don't know!" He ran an anxious hand through his hair, wishing that the rusty car could go faster as they turned sharply onto the highway outside of town.

"Christ!" Rick growled, his eyes narrowing on the dark road in front of them, searching for the turnoff. "What happened back there?"

Damon glared through the front windshield, his hands clenching into fists against his knees. "Elijah stopped by. Killed everyone but Jules, who ran away."

Alaric breathed out heavily, his racing heart-beat loud in the silence of the car, Damon's enhanced hearing not allowing him to remain in the dark about the man's fear as they hurtled down the road.

"Here." Pulling sharply into a private drive, the gate securing the property was wide open, the lock smashed beyond repair. "Shit!" The history teacher's panicked curse was nothing compared to the sudden chill that stopped Damon's breath in his chest.

He smelled blood.

The three kilometre drive to the house from the highway was fast, Alaric refusing to slow his speed despite the lack of light or even room in the one lane drive. His lips thinned as the scent of iron in the air grew progressively stronger the closer they travelled.

"Damon!" Alaric raised a shaky hand off the steering wheel and pointed towards the destroyed front door as they came to a screeching stop. His eyes fearful.

Damon didn't wait.

Throwing open the car door, he flashed to the entryway only to bounce back against the barrier denying him entrance. Fuck! He hadn't been invited in!

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