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Rei lurched forward with a sharp gasp of pain. Sitting cross-legged on the floor, eyes tightly shut; she pressed her fisted hands into her knees as she forced her body to work through the pain. Her breaths were raspy and dry and her chest felt like it was on fire.

Without warning, Rei suddenly threw her head back and screamed at the attic roof.

Why was this so hard?!

She kicked out, hitting the urn that was in front of her, the porcelain shattering loudly under the aggressive force of her attack.

Rei pressed the heels of her hands into her eyes only to fling them away a second later with a lethal look.

This was useless. She knew that she was expecting far too much too soon, but that didn't stop the bitter disappointment she felt when she caught sight of the pencil she'd spent the last two hours trying to levitate with no success. It hadn't moved an inch!

She was being stupid. Expecting her magic to function as it had before the…accident. Her body hadn't even fully recovered from the pain that her week in St Mungo's had put her through. No, this wasn't going to work.

Ignoring the violent protest of her fatigued limbs, Rei pushed herself to her feet and, stumbling approached the bookcase.

Something had to change. She ran her fingers down the spines until she found the one she wanted. Flipping open the dusty cover she ran her eyes over the contents, soaking in the information with interested eyes.

Rei glanced up with a small triumphant smile, closing the book with a snap.

"You invited Damon!"

Alaric winced at the look in Jenna's eyes.

"He's a friend?" He said weakly. God, did Damon have to go around pissing everyone off?

"And I have no idea how that happened," Jenna was quick to remark. "Damon's an ass. Do you know that I came home the night of the fire to find-?"

"To find him kissing Elena," Alaric finished for her. "Yeah, you've told me...multiple times now." He mumbled.

She threw him a dirty look; obviously he hadn't been as quiet as he'd thought.

"I've already invited the guy, I can't rescind the invitation." He coaxed, trying to appeal to her sense of decorum if nothing else.

Damon would show up anyway, without or without an invite. The vampire was determined that today would be the day he outed Mason Lockwood as a werewolf.

Jenna rolled her eyes, not fooled in the least by his placating words. "Fine, but he better keep his hands to himself." She warned.

"He will," Alaric promised unconvincingly.

Jenna scoffed loudly before abruptly cutting off, her face adopting a speculative expression.

"You know," She began, a light in her eyes that for some reason Alaric felt very wary of. "Damon's hitting on Elena because he's single, lonely."

He raised his eyebrows at the woman disbelievingly.

"What? It might be that!" She defended.

"Yeah," Alaric drawled.

She waved her hand in the air impatiently, "That's not the point. The point is that we both know someone else who is lonely in town."

He frowned, completely lost. "Who?"


He was out of his chair and half way across the room before she could blink. "No way!"

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