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Rei slowly blinked open her eyes only to slam them closed a second later, an involuntary groan of pain leaving her lips at the thumping between her temples.

Just how much did she drink last night?!

Without warning, a phone started ringing in the silence of the room, the sound sending spikes of pain lancing through her eyes.

"Whose bloody phone is that?!" She hissed furiously, throwing an arm over her eyes in misery.

"Elena!" She heard Caroline croak grumpily from beside her before the telltale sound of a body being forcibly ejected from the bed made her smirk up at the ceiling, arm still covering her eyes.

"My God, Rei!" Bonnie whined quietly, sitting up on her other side with carefully controlled movements. "How much alcohol did you put in those margarita's last night? My head feels like it would feel better if I chopped it off!" She hissed.

Rei snorted only to wince a second later when the sensation seemed to ping-pong around her skull.

"Stefan?" They all heard Elena ask, her voice scratchy. "Yeah, no, I'm alright. Had more of a party than I was prepared for last night, that's all."

The sheets beside her rustled with movement before a hand started pushing incessantly at her side, trying to get her attention.

"What?!" Dragging her arm away from her eyes, she scowled down at squinting blue eyes crossly.

Ignoring her bad mood, Caroline leaned in further so that she and Bonnie would be able to hear her without having to raise her voice. "I don't know what Elena's complaining about, she stopped drinking at like, two am! When did we stop?"

"Well," Bonnie held an arm across her stomach, her visage decidedly green. "Rei convinced me, despite Elena cautioning otherwise, to keep drinking until three thirty but you and the genius over here kept going until four fifteen I think." She breathed, trying not to make any more noise than absolutely necessary.

Rei glared up at the witch, "I didn't see you complaining last night, Bonnie, and retrospective thinking does not count."

"When can you and I have a sleep-over of our own?" Elena's flirty voice from the other room made all of them wince as the brunette either knowingly or unknowingly raised her volume.

Steeling her nerves, Rei pushed herself up onto her elbows before slowly climbing over Bonnie's legs, trying not to make any sudden movements that might push the slow rolling in her stomach over the edge.

"Where are you going?" Caroline asked from beneath the mound of covers.

Finally getting to her feet, Rei grinned at the floor triumphantly only for her stomach to lurch threateningly. "…I'm going to go tell Elena to keep it down." She growled, staggering out of the room.

Grabbing the door frame for balance, she squinted down at the blissfully happy teen sitting against the wall, a phone pressed to her ear.

"Now, today, take me far, far away," Elena smiled dreamily, not even noticing her standing there glaring down at her.

"Elena?" She croaked.

The brunette shrieked with fright, the sound like knives through her head.

"Rei! You scared me!" She was holding a hand to her chest, as if to calm her heart.

Caroline's furious mutterings form the other room soon reached them and Elena blushed.

With her eyes closed and one hand rubbing at her temples in an effort to ease the incredible thumping in her head, Rei waved a hand blindly in the brunette's direction. "Your phone, Elena," She ordered when it became clear that the girl had no idea what she was signalling for.

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