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There are many stories that attempt to explain the birth of the vampire species. Some say they are older than men, cursed by those with magic to live in the shadows. Others believe they are the descendants of demons and mortals combined. Then there are those who try to convince others of the creatures evolutionary superiority, believing immortality to be the highest pinnacle of development.

It is the accounts from the time of the Founders that truly interest this author. Priceless scraps of parchment from the library of Rowena Ravenclaw describe a new species they had never before encountered. Monsters that drained their victims of blood, that couldn't abide the sun. Accounts of these 'strange new creatures' weren't confined to the British Isles either, every corner of the wizarding world were beginning to record sights of similar monsters.

It is because of this that many of my colleagues, past and present, have speculated that 'the vampire' rose to prominence at that time. Just over one thousand years ago.

Rei ran her finger over the words swiftly, scanning the pages with her eyes, trying to locate the information she'd been searching for, for the past two hours now.

Defence Against the Dark Arts had always been her primary interest in school, she'd probably read more on the subject than even Hermione had. There just wasn't another branch of magic that was able to captivate her like this one did. Of course, like anyone else, there were countless aspects of charms, transfiguration, even potions, that fascinated her. She wasn't disputing that. But when it came to DADA, she loved it all. And when she'd moved to America, most of her favourite books made the journey with her.

She'd flicked through more than fifteen volumes on Dark creatures already, trying to the find the obscure passage Rei knew she'd read. Growling, she shoved aside Sharon Thomas' 'A Journey Into the Wilds of the East', and reached for the next book on the pile, flipping it open.

She hadn't been reading longer than five minutes when she found it.

Hastily bringing the book closer to her face, she squinted at the pages, finding it made the irritatingly small print easier to decipher.

…What is even more interesting are the whispers our world have come to hear from the vampires themselves.

Mutterings of those they call 'The Originals'. The ones they believe to be the genesis of their species…Nothing has ever been proved. Many academics have thrown scorn on the theory, believing these 'Originals' to be nothing more than myth. Even in the vampire community it is clear that there exists no one accepted belief.

From the little we have been able to garner over the years, most vampires seem to believe these Originals the oldest of their kind, if not the first...

Flipping the page over, determined to find out more, Rei almost screamed with frustration when she saw the next paragraph had been dedicated to the rumours of cross-species breeding.

"Great," She muttered, pushing her hair back angrily she clambered to her feet, her muscles stiff from sitting on the wood floor for the past two hours.

Tapping her finger against her lip she scowled up at the ceiling.

"I knew his name though…" Rei murmured to herself.

She knew, somewhere, hidden in the hundreds of books she'd brought with her was more information. Information that named these Originals. Maybe someone had told her? Tilting her head speculatively to the side, she tried to cast her mind back, tried to associate what she knew of that family with a face from her past. Albus? Moody? Remus? They didn't ring a bell, but…

The abrupt interruption of her door bell echoed through the house, destroying her train of thought.

Scowling, she stomped out of the attic and down the stairs, trying to calm her temper as she went. It wouldn't do to frighten the person that was calling on her, now would it?

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