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wasn't supposed to happen like this!" Caroline tried to keep her voice down, the last thing she needed was for her problem to be overheard by one of the vampire hating/council members currently attending the Lockwood Luncheon. "He was supposed to freak out, but then b-be okay with what I am!" Her voice was squeaky and high, showing her panic.

"I'm sorry, Caroline," Elena shrugged with a genuinely sympathetic look in her eyes. "I don't know what to say."

Looking at the happy couple in front of her, both of whom were staring pityingly, wasn't helping the heavy feeling in her chest.

She looked down and away.

"What am I supposed to do?" Caroline asked in a small voice. "He's not answering his phone, he's not at home, he's not here, at work; what do I do?!" She asked the pair desperately, searching for guidance.

Stefan gave her a small, encouraging smile. "He'll come around, Caroline. It's a big shock to find out, you know that. Just give him some time to cool off."

That is not what she'd wanted to hear! She scrunched up her eyes with frustration, forcing the helpless tears back.

"Look, I realise that this isn't the best time," Caroline looked up at Stefan's hesitant tone, giving him a confused glance. The youngest Salvatore brother peered down at Elena for a moment before looking back at her. "How did you know about Jonas, Caroline?" He asked seriously.

Now?! Sky blue orbs darted between the patiently waiting couple with mounting irritation. They were asking this now?!

"You're right," She snapped. "This isn't the time."

Turning on her heel, she was about to storm away when a gentle, yet, insistent hand on her arm stopped her.

"This doesn't have to be this hard, Caroline," Stefan frowned at her in confusion.

Realising that he was right, she bit her lip anxiously before finally just blurting out the first thing that popped into her mind. "Rei called me. She'd been driving home from the Grill, when, um…she saw him. Saw him walking down the, no, um, through, she saw him walking through the town square." God this was hard! She wiped at her brow nervously. "That's when she stopped to see if everything was alright, and er…well, you see…he," Her eyes widened in sudden inspiration and the words left her in a rush. "Dr Martin wanted to know where everyone was; he was the one who told her that Luka was dead." Caroline pointed towards herself. "She called me as soon as he left."

She held her breath, waiting anxiously to see whether they would believe her lie or not.

Stefan shook his head. "Of course," He ran a hand through his hair. "I'm sorry about jumping on you at the Grill last night, Caroline. I was out of sorts."

The genuine apology strained her smile. "No, it's fine, I get it. You'd just been magically knocked out and had a warlock out for your girlfriend's blood; sniping is understandable."

She swallowed past the relief in her throat, glad that that, at least, was over.

"He didn't scare her, did he?" Elena asked her with concern. At Caroline's quizzical blink, the brunette quickly clarified her question. "Rei; he didn't frighten her, did he? Dr Martin was pretty angry."

Understatement of the century, she snorted to herself.

"No," Caroline waved her friend's concern aside. "She didn't really understand the full situation, but she thought that she'd better warn me anyway."

Blonde brows twitched in bewilderment when she saw the brunette's face suddenly brighten. Elena's lips stretching into a wide, beaming smile. It was good news, sure, but not that good. The female Gilbert was acting like her whole world had just been put back to rights.

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