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Katherine looked towards the closed hunter's door apprehensively, her heart fluttering fearfully in her chest as she prayed silently for more time. She knew what awaited her as soon as he woke.

The possession spell drained the victim's body of energy, nature once again striking a balance, and Klaus hadn't been immune to the temporary weakness.

She had sat on the hard-back chair all night, her eyes wide and her hearing strained to pick up the slightest movement on the other side of the door.

Klaus had slept soundly.

Alaric's body hardly moved throughout the eight and a half hours that he had been sleeping; rapidly recovering his strength. Normally, with this kind of spell you would be debilitated for days; weak, helpless, a punishment for meddling.

But Klaus had always exceeded expectations.

She licked her lips, closing her eyes tightly as a loud truck rumbled past the apartment building, hoping against hope that it wouldn't rouse the Original. She wasn't ready to face him yet. She didn't think she ever would be.

Katherine breathed out shakily as the steady, deep breaths on the other side of the door remained undisturbed.

She'd done this too many times herself not to know how the next couple of hours would play out. He would discover every piece of information she harboured that even remotely connected to Elena. Either through intelligent wording of compulsion or simple intimidation, she didn't know. But he would find out. And right now, held immobile by an invisible force, she wasn't sure she wanted to try to withhold the information that he sought.

At least…that was the problem that she'd been frantically deliberating on all night as her captor slept soundly in his bed.

Isobel would no doubt have told Klaus that Katherine knew where the moonstone was…but was there a way that she might bargain that information? Buy herself a few more hours? Or, at least, a relatively painless death if all hope of escape crumbled?

Light footsteps in the communal hallway outside had her head snapping up to attention, brown orbs widening as the quick movements drew closer to Alaric's apartment.

Oh God, her chest rose and fell quickly as she pressed her lips together, silently praying that those footfalls would pass, that they wouldn't stop outside this apartment. She wasn't ready to face him yet!

Three sharp knocks on the door robbed her of breath and Katherine instantly swung panicked eyes to the still closed bedroom door.


Her eyes widened with frantic alarm as she registered exactly who that familiar accented voice belonged to.

The sound of bed-sheets rustling as someone got up met her ears and Katherine felt her blood run cold.

The bedroom door swung inward.

Alaric's bed-hair was so at odds with the cold emotion in those alert eyes that she instinctively glanced away, heart pounding in her chest as she hoped with everything she was to somehow escape his attention.

But it seemed that her luck had run out.

Warm fingers lifted her chin.

Alaric's gentle face met her eyes, the small smirk at the corner of his lips telling her that Klaus could sense her fear, that it pleased him.

"Do you know who is knocking at Mr Saltzman's door this early in the morning?" His voice was soft so as not to be overheard by their early morning visitor.

"Alaric!" The polite knocking quickly transformed into two loud pounds on the door, the handle jiggling noisily as the young woman on the other side checked to see if it was indeed locked.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2023 ⏰

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