Silent Obsession •jm•

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Yn is a mute girl studying at a prestigious university. She works hard to make ends meet, living in a small room at the back of her mother's boss's house. Her mother works as a maid for parks a wealthy family where park jimin is yn's classmate, and Yn often feels like an outsider among her classmates.

One night, Jimin, throws a lavish party at his mansion. Yn stays in her room, studying and completing her assignments while her classmates dance and socialize in the grand ballroom.

As the party winds down, Yn takes a break and heads out to the garden to relax. She sits on a bench, taking in the peaceful surroundings, when she feels someone sit down next to her.

Taehyung: (surprised) Oh, sorry, I didn't see you here.

Yn: (nods and smiles, indicating that it's alright)

Taehyung: (looks at Yn intently) You're Yn, right? I've seen you around campus.

Yn: (nods)

Taehyung: (smiles) I'm Taehyung. Nice to meet you.

Yn: (smiles back)

Taehyung: (looks around) This party is pretty wild, huh? I'm not really into all that.

Yn: (nods in agreement)

Taehyung: (looks at Yn again) So, what do you like to do?

Yn: (gestures to her books and notebook)

Taehyung: (understands) You like to study? That's cool. I'm a bit of a nerd myself.

Yn: (smiles and nods)

Taehyung: (looks at his watch) Oh, shoot. I should probably head back inside. But it was nice meeting you, Yn.

Yn: (nods and smiles)

As Yn and Taehyung sit and talk, they don't notice that someone is watching them intently watches them with a clenched fist.

Jimin has been secretly obsessed with Yn for a long time, but has always kept his feelings hidden. He acts like he doesn't care about her, but deep down he is mad for her. He can't stand the thought of her talking to someone else and he begins to feel a sense of jealousy and possessiveness towards Taehyung. He wants Yn all to himself.

As the party comes to an end, Jimin makes a decision. He can't let Taehyung continue to pursue Yn. He needs to do something to put a stop to it.


Next day

College Hallway
(Yn is walking towards her classroom, Taehyung is coming from the opposite direction)

Yn: (looking ahead)
Taehyung: (noticing Yn) Hey!

(They both try to enter the classroom at the same time and collide, falling to the ground in a tangle of arms and legs)

Student 1: (shouting) Oh my god, they collided!

Student 2: (laughing) This is hilarious!

(Yn and Taehyung try to get up, embarrassed)

(Jimin enters the classroom)

Jimin: (expressionless) What's going on here?

Student 1: Yn and Taehyung collided and fell on the ground!

Jimin: (looks at Yn and Taehyung) Is everyone okay?

(Yn and Taehyung nod and indicate that they are fine)

Jimin: (looks at Yn with a hint of anger) Be more careful next time. (turns to Taehyung) And you, stay away from Yn.

Taehyung: (confused) What? Why?

Jimin: (glares at Taehyung) I said stay away from her. (turns and walks away)

(Yn and Taehyung exchange a confused look)

(The class begins, Yn can't help but feel uneasy)


As the days went by, Yn and Taehyung grew closer, while Jimin watched from the sidelines. He began to blame Yn for Taehyung's growing feelings towards her and believed that she should have known her place

Few days later

(Yn wakes up in a dimly lit basement, she looks around and sees Taehyung tied to a chair, Jimin is punching him repeatedly)

Yn: (trying to shout, but no sound comes out)

Jimin: (noticing Yn) What are you doing here?

Yn: (trying to speak, but still no sound comes out)

Jimin: (angrily) You want him? Fine, you can both stay here. (turns to Taehyung) And you, you stay away from my girl.

(Jimin starts to leave, but stops)

Jimin: Oh, I forgot to tell you. I injected you with something, so you won't be able to move.

(Yn looks on in shock and horror as Jimin leaves, leaving her and Taehyung trapped in the basement)

Yn has never felt so helpless. Being mute has never been a problem for her before, but now she wishes more than anything that she could scream for help. Taehyung is injured and she is unable to move, trapped with him in the basement


Few days later

(Yn is sitting in the corner of the basement, Taehyung's body is still lying in the corner. Jimin enters)

He walks over to Taehyung's body and kicks it)

Jimin: (disgusted) Useless waste of space.

(Yn looks on in horror as Jimin turns to her)

Jimin: (softening) But you, you're different. You're mine.

Jimin approaches Yn, she flinches as he kneels down

Jimin: (coldly) How are you today?

Yn: (silent, tears streaming down her face)

Jimin: (sighs) You're still upset about him. (gestures towards Taehyung's body) He's gone, get over it.

(Jimin approaches Yn, she flinches as he touches her face)

Jimin: (softening) I'm here for you. I'll take care of you.

(Jimin starts to kiss Yn, she tries to pull away but he holds her in place)

(He starts to touch her in inappropriate ways and forces himself on her)

Yn is trapped in a living nightmare. Jimin is the only person she sees, the only person who brings her food and takes care of her basic needs. But he is also the person who killed Taehyung and left his body in the basement with her. He is her tormentor, her captor, and her abuser. Yn is trapped, physically and emotionally. She doesn't know if she will ever be able to escape and leave the horrors of the basement behind.

Every day feels like a never-ending cycle of trauma, as Jimin continues to come to the basement and acts like a sick person. She is trapped in a world of darkness and despair, with no hope of escape or rescue.


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