king's happy pill - 2 •yg•

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King Yoongi walks into the castle with Yn in his arms, followed by the knight. The castle staff and court members are all shocked to see the king with a little girl. The knight starts to ask a question, but Yoongi cuts him off.

From today, she is also part of my family.

Everyone is surprised and looks at each other.

YOONGI (cont'd):
I expect all of you to treat her with the same respect you would show to any member of the royal family.

The court nods in agreement, still stunned by the king.


King Yoongi: (Orders) Ms. Choi, take her and doll her up. We have dinner soon.

Ms. Choi: (Nodding) Yes, your highness.

(Yoongi gets fresh up and sits at the dining table along with Aera)

Aera: (Excited) where is my new toy highness?

King Yoongi: (Distracted) I forgot, I'll ask the knight to get it for you.

His eyes darted to the door when he heard the sound of little footsteps. Suddenly, Yn burst into the room with a huge grin on her face, twirling in her new dress. Aera watched in awe as Yn approached the king, and King Yoongi couldn't help but smile at the sight of her.

Yn: "Oppa, dis dress is shoo pretty!"
(Twirling )

King Yoongi :(chuckled and lifted her up, placing her in the chair next to him): "Yes, Princess, it is,"
( voice filled with warmth.)

Aera, who was sitting across from them, looked at Yn with a mix of curiosity and jealousy.

Aera: Your Highness, who is she?" Why is she calling you 'Oppa'?"

King Yoongi's gaze became stern as he turned to Aera.

Yoongi: Starting from now, she will be living here. Treat her well,"

Aera nodded, and King Yoongi's attention returned to Yn, who was eagerly digging into her dinner.

King Yoongi watched in amusement as Yn ate messily, and he reached over to wipe the food from her face. Yn smiled up at him, and King Yoongi felt his heart melt. From that moment on, he knew that Yn would be only his. He vowed he will be only hers and she will be only his until the end.


6 years had passed and King Yoongi had transformed into a man of power and cruelty, ruling his kingdom with an iron fist. But there was one person who could melt his heart and bring a smile to his face - Yn, the little girl who he had taken under his wing when she was just six years old.

Aera, Yoongi's younger sister, had grown into a beautiful young woman at the age of 16. Despite her beauty, she was filled with envy towards Yn and often plotted to remove her from the palace

Yn, on the other hand, had grown into a 12-year-old who was completely spoiled by King Yoongi. She was unaware of the tensions between King Yoongi and his sister and was blissfully happy in her own world.

King Yoongi would often find himself admiring Yn, who had grown into a beautiful young girl with sparkling eyes and a smile that lit up the room. Despite all the responsibilities that came with being king, King Yoongi found solace in spending time with Yn


(King Yoongi and Yn are in the throne room. Aera walks in, clearly upset)

Aera: (angrily) Your Highness, I must speak to you about Yn.

Yoongi: (calmly) What is the matter, Aera?

Aera: (frustrated) The matter is that Yn has become a dangerous person . She's been tormenting the maids and the servants.

Yoongi: (smirking) Is that so?

Aera: (surprised) You're not upset? You're not going to stop her?

Yoongi: (cool) No. I think it's important for her to learn how to handle those beneath her.

Aera: (outraged) But she's only 12! How can you support this behavior?

Yoongi: (serious) I will tolerate no insubordination.

Aera: (angrily) You're blinded by your love for her. You can't see that she's turning into a monster.

Yoongi: (firmly) That is enough, Aera. I will not hear another word against Yn.

Aera: (defeated) As you wish, Your Highness.

(Aera bows and leaves the room. Yoongi watches her go with a small smirk on his face)

Yoongi: (whispering to himself while looking at yn who was sleeping)  so you became a monster, a beautiful monster but only my monster.

He took the sleeping figure to his room and started cuddling her while smelling her fragrance.

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