Forever Mine •jh•

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The living room is filled with laughter and chatter as the Jung and Kim families gather for a joyful meet-up the  MR. JUNG, MRS. JUNG, MR. KIM, MRS. KIM, their daughter, YN, and their nephew, HOSEOK, are present. There's a warm atmosphere, with a large dining table set up in the center, adorned with delicious food and drinks. 

while Hoseok is joking around with his parents, MR. KIM and MRS. KIM.

YN (interrupting Hoseok's joke): Oh, come on, Hoseok! That was the worst joke I've ever heard. Even worse than your dad jokes!

HOSEOK (playfully offended): Hey, my dad jokes are legendary! You just don't appreciate my sense of humor.

YN (teasingly): Oh, I appreciate it, Hoseok. Just like I appreciate bad fashion choices and bad haircuts.

HOSEOK (faking shock): Bad haircuts? Are you talking about my iconic hair? You must be jealous!

YN (laughing): Jealous of what? Your hair or your questionable fashion taste?

HOSEOK (grinning): You're just upset because you can't pull off these moves.

Hoseok stands up and starts doing a ridiculous dance routine, imitating a famous celebrity. The room erupts in laughter, including both families.

YN (mockingly): Wow, Hoseok. That dance was so awful that it made me forget how bad your jokes are. Congratulations!

HOSEOK (pretending to be wounded): You wound me, YN! My jokes and dances are my most cherished talents.

YN (mischievously): Well, they're definitely unique talents, I'll give you that. Just like your taste in food!

HOSEOK (defensively): Hey, I have great taste in food! I'll have you know that my ramen recipe is a masterpiece.

YN (teasingly): Your ramen recipe? Isn't it just boiling water and adding the flavor packet?

HOSEOK (indignant): It's so much more than that! It's an art form!

YN (laughing) If that's your definition of art, then I think you need to take a trip to a museum sometime.

The banter continues, with YN and Hoseok playfully exchanging jabs and jokes. Both families are entertained by their lighthearted argument.

The fight has turned into a friendly competition of who can make the other laugh the most. 

The laughter in the room reaches its peak, and suddenly, YN and Hoseok jump to their feet, each claiming victory in the joke-off.

YN (declaring triumphantly): I win! Your jokes are no match for my wit!

HOSEOK (playfully outraged): No way! My jokes were way funnier. You cheated somehow!

YN (teasingly): Cheated? Oh, please. My humor is just naturally superior.

HOSEOK(mock gasp): This means war, YN! Prepare to be defeated!

Hoseok lunges playfully towards YN, and she squeals, quickly dodging his attempt to tickle her. The living room turns into a playful battleground as they chase each other around the furniture, their families cheering them on with amused laughter.

YN (giggling) You can't catch me, Hoseok!

HOSEOK (grinning): Oh, you're going down, YN!

They continue the chase, occasionally pausing to throw harmless pillows at each other. Their energy is infectious, and both families join in on the fun, tossing pillows back and forth between the two playfully feuding friends.

MR. KIM (laughing): Hoseok, don't let her get away!

MRS. JUNG (teasingly): Come on, YN, show him who's boss!

The living room becomes a chaotic yet joyous scene of laughter and playful chaos. YN and Hoseok eventually tire themselves out and collapse onto the couch, still chuckling.

YN (breathing heavily): Okay, okay, you win this round. Fine, you caught me fair and square. But don't expect me to give up that easily next time.

HOSEOK(teasingly): Oh, I can't wait for the next round. It's going to be epic

Suddenly, YN's phone rings, and she excuses herself to take the call. 


In the kitchen 

YN is on the phone, speaking to a friend, unaware that Hoseok followed her.

HOSEOK (playfully): seeing someone? secretly?

YN (smiling): What? No! I just needed some privacy.

HOSEOK (teasing): Hmm, is it a secret admirer? A secret boyfriend, perhaps?

YN (rolls her eyes): Oh, please! It's just a friend.

HOSEOK (pouting): Fine, fine. But what if your secret friend turns out to be more interesting than your cousin?

YN (teasingly): Oh, you think you're so interesting, huh?

HOSEOK (grinning): Of course! I'm the funny, charming, and lovable cousin, after all.

YN (playful sarcasm): Oh, my mistake. How could I forget?

They both laugh, but YN suddenly looks serious.

YN (sincerely): Hoseok, you know you mean a lot to me, right? You're not just my cousin, you're more like a brother to me.

HOSEOK (fighting back a disappointed look): Yeah, I know. Best friends forever, right?

YN (smiling warmly): Right!

But Hoseok's face falls as he hides his true feelings.

HOSEOK (trying to keep it light): Okay, okay. Enough of the emotional stuff! Let's go back and join the others before they suspect we're up to something.

YN (agrees): Agreed!


Meanwhile their parents:

MR. JUNG (to MR. KIM, whispering) What do you think about Hoseok and Yn? They seem to get along well.

MR. KIM (smiling) Yes, they do. They could make a great couple.

MRS. JUNG (excitedly) We've been thinking the same thing! It would be wonderful to have Hoseok and Yn marry each other.

MRS. KIM (smiling) Indeed! They seem to enjoy each other's company.

MRS. JUNG: With him being the CEO of Jung Company now, I believe it will be fantastic.

MRS. KIM: Absolutely! Especially since Even yn has finished her studies in business. They will definitely support each other.









.-@cuite_cuite_girl  Thank you.

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