king's happy pill •yg•

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15-year-old King Min Yoongi sits on the throne, surrounded by knights. He has a cold, distant expression on his face, reflecting the hatred he has for his life.

Your Majesty, the horses are ready. We can depart for the kingdom at your command.

10-year-old Princess Min Aera rushes into the room, panting.

(out of breath)
King Yoongi, wait! Please, just a second.

Yoongi turns his gaze to her, his expression unchanged.

(to the knight)
Go ahead and prepare the ride. I'll join you in a moment.

Aera approaches him, holding a broken toy.

(tears in her eyes)
Look, Yoongi. I broke my favorite toy. Can you fix it?

Yoongi glances at the toy, then back at Aera.

I'll get you a new one.

Aera's face falls as Yoongi rises from the throne and starts to leave.

Yoongi, please don't go. I miss the way things used to be. You used to be so kind and cheerful.

Yoongi stops in his tracks, his back still to Aera.

I hate this life, Aera. I never wanted to be king. But I had no choice. I had to become someone who could rule this kingdom, protect it from its enemies. And I had to make the difficult decisions that come with being the king.

Aera watches as Yoongi walks out of the room, leaving her behind. The weight of his responsibilities and the hatred he has for his life weigh heavily on him as he takes on the mantle of being the king at such a young age.


King Min Yoongi enters the kingdom, accompanied by his knights. As he looks around, he sees children playing and families enjoying their lives. The sight fills him with anger and jealousy.

(tightening his fists)
I need to be alone.

Your Majesty, it's not safe for you to be alone. We must keep you protected at all times.

Yoongi turns his gaze to the knight, and the man shrinks back at the cold, frightening look in Yoongi's eyes.

(in a low, menacing voice)
Leave me. All of you, leave me.

The knights exchange worried looks, then slowly start to back away. Yoongi watches them go, feeling the weight of his responsibilities and the anger inside him growing heavier by the moment.

(to himself)
Why can't I have what they have?


King Min Yoongi walked to a quiet place near a river, seeking solace from the responsibilities and anger that weighed heavily upon him. He stood by the river, watching as a few lone tears escaped from his eyes. But he quickly wiped them away as he heard a giggle.

He frowned, searching for the source of the sound, and soon spotted a little girl, no more than six years old, running and giggling as she chased after a cat. Yoongi watched her, taking in her tattered dress and chubby cheeks, her doe eyes and playful smile. He felt a sense of relaxation wash over him as he watched her play.

But then, the girl stumbled and fell face-first onto the ground. Yoongi's heart raced with worry, but he smiled and shook his head as the girl lifted her head and laughed, still in her fallen position.

Min Yoongi walks over to the fallen girl and gently lifts her up. He starts to dust her off as she rubs her wrist.

Ouch, my weest! Oppa, can you bow the pain away from my weest?

Yoongi smiles at her and blows on her wrist. The girl jumps up, giggling and shouting, "Hurray!" But then she stumbles and Yoongi catches her.

You should be careful, little girl.

He playfully taps her nose with his index finger.

I'm not a lul gorl! Ma name is Yn.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow, amused.

Is that so? Well, where do you stay, Yn?

The girl takes Yoongi's hand and leads him a short distance to a small hut. Inside, they find an old man lying on a bed. He looks sick and frail.

Who are you?

Yoongi introduces himself as the king and explains that he wants to help Yn. The old man's eyes light up with hope.

She has no one. I won't last much longer. Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty.

Yoongi promises to take care of Yn and the old man closes his eyes, relieved. Yoongi lifts Yn into his arms and carries her away

Yandere BTS One-shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें