Too Late •pjm•

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A small classroom filled with desks, books, and educational posters. MR. PARK, a stern and cold-hearted teacher, sits at his desk grading papers. YN, a nervous and hopeful student, approaches him with trembling steps. Her heart beats with both excitement and trepidation.

YN (voice barely above a whisper): Um, Mr. Park... I... I really like you.

Mr. Park looks up from his papers, surprised by Yn's confession. His eyebrows furrow, and he lets out an exasperated sigh.

MR. PARK: Yn, you should focus on your studies and not waste your time with such matters. (replying in his usual gruff tone)

Undeterred, Yn takes a deep breath and gathers her courage to explain further.

YN: I understand that, Mr. Park, but... I can't help how I feel. You're always so kind and smart, and I admire you a lot.

Mr. Park sighs again, growing visibly frustrated.

MR. PARK: Yn, I've told you before, this is not appropriate. I am your teacher, and we must maintain a professional relationship. Besides, there are so many other reasons why this wouldn't work.

Yn's face flushes with embarrassment, but her determination refuses to waver.

YN: I know it might not make sense to you, but I can't control my heart. I just wanted to be honest with you.

Mr. Park, feeling his patience wearing thin, snaps at Yn.

MR. PARK: How many times do I have to tell you? This is not the time or place for this nonsense! You should be focusing on your studies and not distracting yourself with silly infatuations.

Tears well up in Yn's eyes, hurt by Mr. Park's harsh words. She never expected him to react this way, and her courage is quickly being replaced by self-doubt. She turns to leave, her head bowed in humiliation.

YN (whispering): I'm sorry...

Yn runs out of the classroom


The next day, the classroom feels different without Yn's presence. Mr. Park takes attendance, his gaze gliding over Yn's empty seat. However, he feels nothing, not even a flicker of curiosity about her absence. He proceeds with the day's lesson, teaching the students and maintaining his usual demeanor.

The students sit in their desks, exchanging puzzled glances as they notice Yn's seat empty. Whispers circulate among them, but Mr. Park pays them no mind. He focuses on the subject matter, going through the material with unwavering professionalism.

As the day progresses, Mr. Park carries on as if nothing has changed. He doesn't bother to inquire about Yn's absence or seek any information as to why she is not in school. To him, she is just another student who has chosen not to show up, and he continues with his duties, detached from the situation.

The students, sensing Mr. Park's indifference, start to wonder about Yn's well-being. Concerned looks are exchanged, and some muster the courage to approach Mr. Park during a break.

Jun (excitedly): Mr. Park, have you heard anything about Yn? She's been absent today, and we're worried about her.

Mr. Park looks up from his papers, his eyes narrowing slightly at the mention of Yn's name.

MR. PARK (disinterested): I haven't been informed about her absence. She'll probably be back when she's ready. Now, let's get back to the lesson.

The students exchange disappointed glances, realizing that Mr. Park doesn't share their concern. They return to their seats, feeling a mix of confusion and disappointment.

Mr. Park continues teaching, delivering the material with his usual proficiency. He remains focused and unaffected by Yn's absence, shutting out any thoughts or emotions that might have stirred within him.


Two more days pass, and Yn remains absent from school. The emptiness of her chair becomes more pronounced, and Mr. Park finds himself occasionally glancing at it while teaching the students. A flicker of concern crosses his face, a hint of something he can't quite ignore.

Mid-lecture, Mr. Park's gaze drifts towards Yn's empty seat, and memories flood his mind. He recalls the moment when Yn had unintentionally embarrassed herself in front of the class,


Yn, filled with nervous excitement, had eagerly raised her hand to answer a question Mr. Park had posed to the class. As she stood up, her words had come out in a jumbled mess, her face turning a deep shade of red. The students couldn't help but giggle, and even Mr. Park had struggled to suppress his laughter.

As he relives the memory, a soft smile forms on Mr. Park's lips. The image of Yn's blushing face and her genuine efforts to participate in class lingers in his thoughts.

The sound of students making noise jolts Mr. Park back to the present. He blinks, his smile fading, and clears his throat to regain control of the classroom.


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