My Treasure - 3 • jh •

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YN's expression turns from horror to disgust as she realizes the truth about the room. Hoseok's so-called "treasure" was actually a collection of body parts.

YN's body shook uncontrollably as she looked around the room, horrified by what she saw. Human body parts were strewn everywhere, and she realized with horror that they were all parts of people she knew.

YN: (gasping) What is all of this?

JUNG HOSEOK: (smiling) These are all the parts of people who have wronged you, my love.

YN: (sobbing) What? How could you do this?

Jung Hoseok's arms enveloped her, but there was nothing comforting about his embrace. His voice was low and ominous as he spoke, "Shh, it's okay. Don't be scared."

(But how could she not be? The words he spoke sent shivers down her spine) .

HOSEOK: "Remember that cameraman who stared at you creepily?" voice filled with a cold, cruel satisfaction. "Those eyes belong to him."

(She felt sick to her stomach)

"And that model who touched your waist without your permission?" grip on her tightening. "Those hands belong to her."

"And that actor who kissed you during the advertisement?" his breath hot against her ear. "That skull belongs to him."

"Wait, Hoseok," she said, pushing away from him. "You've got it all wrong. Those people - the cameraman, the model, the actor - they were just doing their job. They didn't mean to make me uncomfortable."

Hoseok's grip on her tightened. "What are you talking about? They were all creeps."

She shook her head, her heart racing with a mix of fear and confusion. "No, they weren't. They were just trying to do their job, just like I was. I can't blame them for that."

Hoseok's eyes narrowed. "You're defending them? After what they did to you?"

She took a step back, feeling a sudden surge of anger. "They didn't do anything to me that I didn't consent to. And even if they did make me uncomfortable, that doesn't mean You can just go around killing people! (crying harder) This is insane!

JUNG HOSEOK: (smiling) But my love, I did it all for you. I wanted to protect you from those who would do you harm.

YN  steps back 

YN: (voice shaking) How could you do this? This is not love, it's sick and twisted.

Hoseok: (defensively) I did it for you! I love you so much that I couldn't bear to see anyone hurt you.

Thats it she ran out of the room, screaming for help. She didn't stop until she reached the police station, where she reported Hoseok's crimes.

YN rushes into the police office looking frightened and frantic. She approaches the officer at the desk.

YN: (panting) Please help me. I've been kidnapped by Jung Hoseok. He's keeping me chained up.

OFFICER: (concerned) Okay, calm down. Let me get some details from you.

The officer takes YN's information and goes into another room to make a call.

OFFICER: (speaking on the phone) Sir, we have a situation here. YN has come in claiming she's been kidnapped by Jung Hoseok. We need your assistance.


Hoseok enters the police office, speaking to the officer in a low voice.

HOSEOK: (whispering) Thank you, officer. The money has been transferred.

The officer nods and Hoseok turns to YN.

HOSEOK: (smiling) Let's go, YN. We can put this all behind us now.

YN: (terrified) No! You're a monster. I won't go anywhere with you.

HOSEOK: (annoyed) Don't be stubborn, YN. You belong to me.

Hoseok takes out a cloth with chloroform on it and presses it to YN's mouth. She struggles for a moment before passing out.


YN wakes up to find herself chained to a bed. She tries to move her legs, but they're restrained.

YN: (panicked) What's going on? Why am I here?

Hoseok enters the room, holding a tray of food.

HOSEOK: (smiling) hey my baby. you woken up.

YN: (angrily) Let me go! You can't keep me here.

HOSEOK: (chuckling) Oh, my dear YN. You've become quite notorious. And now, you'll pay the price for being so stubborn.

YN: (crying) Please let me go, Hoseok. I won't tell anyone.

HOSEOK: (smiling) Never.

YN: (terrified) What are you going to do to me?

HOSEOK: (chuckles) Oh, don't worry about that. You'll be well taken care of. how can i hurt my love.

YN: (sobbing) Please, Hoseok. I thought you loved me.

HOSEOK: (smiling) Oh, I do love you, my dear. That's why I can't let you go. You're mine now. Forever.

YN continued to cry as Hoseok held her tightly, but as time went on, she began to realize that she can't escape from this nightmare.


I am expressing my regret for my previous announcement regarding quitting writing. I was frustrated and disheartened by the lack of support and engagement from readers, but upon further reflection, I realize that quitting is not the solution.

I've received messages and feedback from some of my loyal readers, expressing their disappointment and urging me not to give up. Their words have reminded me of why I started writing in the first place.

I also want to address that I have asked for feedback multiple times in the past but received little to no response. This lack of feedback and engagement made me feel isolated and discouraged. However, after reaching out to some readers and learning why they may not have given feedback or votes, I now understand the reasons behind it.

I want to thank @bbarmy13 for adding my work to your reading list called " Okay. not sure will re-read 4-6/10". It helped me to see that there are areas where I need to improve my writing, and I am grateful to you. Thank you for being genuine

I had previously believed that many people were reading my work because they genuinely enjoyed it, but I now realize that I need to work harder to engage and connect with my audience. I will take this as a learning experience and continue to strive for improvement in my writing. I will work hard to create stories that capture your attention and leave you feeling satisfied.


I also apologize for any disappointment or confusion my previous announcement may have caused, and I hope that you will continue to join me on this journey of storytelling. Thank you to those who have supported me, and I look forward to sharing more of my work with you in the future.


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