crazy Love - 2 •Namjin•

877 58 2

Time skipz

Seokjin is bullying a junior student in the cafeteria while other students watch but do nothing.

Yn notices the commotion and turns to her colleagues.

YN: "What's happening over there?"

PROFESSOR 1: "It's just routine bullying by Seokjin."

YN: "We should stop this."

PROFESSOR 2: "It's better not to involve."

But Yn doesn't listen and walks towards Seokjin.

YN: "Hey, stop that."

Seokjin turns to her, surprised that someone is daring to interfere.

SEOKJIN: "What's it to you?"

YN: "You can't bully people like this. Apologize to him."

SEOKJIN: "Don't you dare tell me what to do."

He raises his index finger, warning her not to interfere.

YN: "I will. Apologize."

She grabs his finger and twists his arm back, making him yell in pain.

SEOKJIN: "Ow, let go!"

YN: "Apologize!"

SEOKJIN: "Fine, sorry!"

She releases him, but Seokjin is not happy.

SEOKJIN: "You don't know who I am."

YN: "I don't care. Treat people with respect."

She storms off, dragging Seokjin by his ear, leaving the other students stunned.

In Yns Office

Yn drags Seokjin into her office and shuts the door.

SEOKJIN: "What do you want?"

YN: "To teach you a lesson."

She stares at him, and for the first time, Seokjin is surprised to see a woman like her.

SEOKJIN: (to himself) "Who is she?"

Seokjin falls head over heels for her.

Seokjin stands in Yn's office, staring at her with a newfound interest. Yn looks at him with a stern expression, not backing down.

YN: "I want you to bring your guardian here. I need to talk to him."

SEOKJIN: "Why? What do you want to talk about?"

YN: "I want to discuss your behavior towards your fellow students. I won't tolerate bullying in my university."

SEOKJIN: "You can't tell me what to do. My family owns this university."

YN: "That doesn't give you the right to treat people poorly. You need to learn some humility."

Seokjin's face turns red with anger.

SEOKJIN: "I don't need to listen to you. You're just a professor."

YN: "And you're just a spoiled rich kid who thinks he can get away with anything. Well, I won't let you."

Seokjin is about to say something when Yn's phone rings.

YN: "Excuse me for a moment."

She answers the phone and talks for a few seconds before hanging up.

YN: "I have to go. But don't forget to bring your guardian here. We have a lot to discuss."

Seokjin nods silently as Yn leaves the room, leaving him alone with his thoughts.



Seokjin sits alone at the dining table, staring off into space. He checks his watch and fidgets with his napkin. He seems nervous and restless. Suddenly, Namjoon enters the room.

NAMJOON: Hey, Seokjin! How's it going?

Seokjin jumps, startled by Namjoon's sudden appearance.

SEOKJIN: Oh, hey, Namjoon. I'm good, thanks.

NAMJOON: Are you sure? You look a little preoccupied.

SEOKJIN: (sighs) Yeah, I guess I am. It's just that... (pauses) Never mind.

NAMJOON: What is it? You can tell me.

SEOKJIN: (hesitates) Well, it's this girl, YN. I've developed feelings for her, but I don't know how to approach her.

NAMJOON: (smiling) Ah, love troubles. I know how that feels.

SEOKJIN: (smirks) Yeah, I guess you do. So, speaking of love, I have something to tell you.

NAMJOON: (curious) What is it?

SEOKJIN: (nervously) Well, my new professor wants to meet you. I don't know why, but he was very insistent.

NAMJOON: (confused) That's odd. What did you do?

SEOKJIN: (shrugs) Nothing, really. Just some class assignments.

NAMJOON: (thinking) Hmm, okay. Well, speaking of professors, I think I've fallen for someone too.

SEOKJIN: (excited) Really? That's great! Who is it?

NAMJOON: (smiling) She is someone I met during a meeting.

SEOKJIN: (nodding) Oh, I see. That's nice.

They continue their conversation, unaware that they are both interested in the same girl.

SEOKJIN: So, have you asked her out yet?

NAMJOON: (shaking his head) Not yet. I'm still trying to work up the courage.

SEOKJIN: (laughs) I know how that feels. But you should just go for it. Life's too short to wait around.

NAMJOON: (smiling) Thanks, Seokjin. I'll keep that in mind.

They continue their dinner, enjoying each other's company and conversation, not knowing that they both have their eyes on the same girl


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