Forever Mine 3 •jh•

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The room is dimly lit, and Yn slowly wakes up, groggy and disoriented. As her vision clears, she is shocked to find herself lying next to a STRANGER in the bed. Panic and fear fill her eyes as she realizes the situation she's in.

YN (whispering to herself): What... What happened last night? How did I end up here?

Her body aches, and the memories of the previous night begin to come back to her. She starts to cry.

YN (teary-eyed): No, no, this can't be happening. It was my first time, and I don't even know who he is.

The stranger starts to stir and wakes up, seemingly unfazed by the situation.

STRANGER (smirking): Ah, you're finally awake. Thanks for the night, it was fun. Don't worry; we used protection, so you won't have to deal with any consequences.

Yn is taken aback by the stranger's attitude. She wipes her tears, trying to compose herself.

YN (angry and hurt): Who are you? Why did you do this?

STRANGER (uncaring): Relax, sweetheart. It was just a one-night stand. We both knew what we were getting into.

YN (pleadingly): Wait, please! Who are you? How could you...? I didn't mean for this to happen.

The stranger ignores Yn's plea and walks towards the door, leaving her in a state of shock and vulnerability.

YN(teary-eyed): Oh no, what have I done? My parents... they'll be so angry if they find out.


Yn came through the front door of her home, the weight of the previous night still pressing heavily on her shoulders. She had returned, but nobody knew the secret she had been through. Her family assumed everything was fine, but couldn't find the words to explain events occurred the previous night.

She kept it all to herself, believing that things would eventually return to normal. Little did she know that her life was about to take a dark and twisted turn.

As days turned into weeks, Yn noticed a change in Hoseok. His behavior had transformed drastically. He seemed to have become a sickly, obsessed lover who refused to accept Y/N's rejection. He'd show up uninvited, send endless messages, and follow her around like a shadow. Y/N had tried to tell this to her parents, but Hoseok had mastered the art of acting like the perfect gentleman whenever they were around. 

Months passed, and Yn's health was not that good. Her parents grew increasingly concerned, noticing her strange behavior and declining physical condition.

One day, as Y/N was going about her daily routine, she suddenly collapsed. Her parents rushed to her side in panic, their hearts filled with worry. She was rushed to the hospital


Y/N slowly regained consciousness, her head throbbing with pain. When her blurry vision cleared, she found herself in a room, and standing over her was Hoseok, wearing that sinister smirk. Confusion gripped her as she tried to make sense of her surroundings.

Hoseok, helped her up and guided her out of the hospital. They arrived back at her home, where her parents were waiting. However, the warm welcome she had expected was nowhere to be found.

Before she could meet them, her father's hand collided with her cheek in a resounding slap.  Y/N stumbled back, tears streaming down her face. Her father's voice was laced with anger and betrayal. 

Yn's Father: "Whose child are you carrying, Y/N? Is this why you rejected that poor boy? (pointing at Hoseok)

Yn's Father: Who's the father of this child?"

Y/N's sobs intensified as she tried to explain the about that night. Her father was so anger and he raised his hand again, ready to strike once more. But this time, he was stopped by the others in the room.

Hoseok stepped forward, his demeanor shifting from the sinister smirk to one of apparent concern. 

Hoseok: "Wait, uncle". "I... I can't bear to see Y/N suffer like this. I want to take responsibility. I'll marry her and raise the child as my own."

Y/N was left stunned, She had believed Hoseok to be her tormentor, but now he appeared as her savior. She looked around at her family's mixed reactions, realizing that her life had taken an unexpected and bewildering turn.

As the shock and chaos settled in the room, Y/N couldn't help but question everything she thought she knew about Hoseok. His sudden offer to marry her and take responsibility for the unborn child left her baffled.

She had been so convinced of his dark intentions, but now he was presenting himself as a knight in shining armor. Y/N couldn't deny that his proposal provided a lifeline, a way out of the mess she had found herself in. And she thought she had misjudged Hoseok.


Months had passed since Y/N and Hoseok's hasty marriage. Y/N had given birth to a healthy baby boy, but despite the gratitude she felt for Hoseok's support, she couldn't reciprocate the love he professed. She often pleaded with him to leave her, convinced that he deserved more than a loveless marriage. this made Hoseok more angry. Her parents were still lil angry with her, had come to accept the situation for the sake of their grandson.

One day, Y/N took her son to the park, She sat on a bench, lost in the swirling chaos of her life. "What happened to my dreams?" she thought, tears welling up in her eyes. "My family hates me, and I've been into a loveless marriage. I never wanted."

As she snapped out, she looked around in panic, realizing that her son was nowhere to be seen. Terror gripped her heart.

She immediately informed Hoseok, her voice trembling with fear. He rushed to the park, and together they searched every corner, calling out for their missing child. But no matter how hard they searched, there was no sign of the boy.

Y/N's panic escalated, and she began to lose consciousness from a mixture of fear and despair. Just as she was about to collapse, Hoseok was quick to catch her, his arms providing the only solace in her terrifying ordeal.

Hoseok clutched Y/N tightly in his arms, his face a mask of concern and worry. He quickly dialed a number on his phone and spoke in hushed, sinister tones. "Very good, you did a great job. You can do anything you want with that child. Although he's my own blood, I can have many more with my baby later."

Hoseok : "Now your family will blame you and never see your face. The only person you can depend on is me. You should have agreed with me from the very beginning. It's okay; I still love you the most."

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