Surprise • Myg •

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Officer Min Yoongi had been sitting at the café for fifteen minutes, staring at his phone, trying to convince himself that he wasn't nervous. He hated this - blind dates were not his thing, but his mother had given him no choice.

He saw a girl enter the café and scan the room, probably searching for him. He could tell from her nervous expression that she was also not comfortable with the situation. He took a deep breath and approached her.

"Are you the one my mom set me up with?" he asked, his voice flat and monotone.

"Yes," she replied, her voice trembling slightly.

He motioned for her to take a seat and they both sat down. Yoongi felt awkward and didn't know what to say, so he kept silent.

The girl tried to make small talk, but Yoongi remained unresponsive. He didn't want to be here, and it showed. He could feel her eyes on him, but he refused to meet her gaze.

After a few minutes, the girl asked if he wanted to order something. Yoongi shook his head, not wanting to prolong the agony. He was ready to leave.

"Look, I'm sorry. This isn't going to work out," he said, standing up abruptly.

The girl looked at him, hurt and confused. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I'm not interested," he said, his voice cold and distant.

The girl's expression turned angry. "You know what, you're a real piece of Shit. I don't know why your mother even bothered setting us up."

Yoongi watched the girl storm out of the café, her anger bouncing off him like rain on a raincoat. He didn't care that he had hurt her feelings. It was her fault for even showing up in the first place.

As he walked out into the cool night air, he felt nothing but relief that the date was over. He didn't need anyone in his life, especially not some random girl his mother had picked out for him.

He knew he was being rude and cold, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He was used to pushing people away, and he had no intention of changing now.

As he walked home, he didn't think about the girl he had just rejected. Instead, he thought about the cold case that he has to work. It was the only thing that mattered to him - solving the case. Love and relationships were a waste of time in his opinion. They only served to distract him from what really mattered in life. 


Time skipz

As Min Yoongi walked into the station, he saw chaos erupting around him. People were rushing around, shouting and screaming, and he couldn't figure out what was going on. He quickly made his way to the nearest officer and asked, "What's happening here?"

The officer looked at him, slightly panicked, and said, "There's a woman in the lobby causing a scene. She's angry about something and demanding to speak to someone in charge."

Yoongi's curiosity was piqued, so he made his way to the lobby to see what was going on. As he walked in, he stood frozen as YN stormed towards him and grabbed him by the collar. She was in a state of complete rage and seemed to be directing all her anger at him. 

"How can you people even enjoy life by attending dates when your duty is to catch criminals and give justice to victims?" she yelled, Yoongi just stood there, his eyes locked on the tearful eyes of the woman. her voice cracking with emotion. "It's a waste of time! Trust me, I myself will find a way to get justice for my husband!"

He watched as she stormed out of the station, As YN left, still pouring out her anger, Yoongi remained silent. For the first time in his life, he felt like time had stopped. He couldn't take his eyes off of her tearful eyes, and he felt a strange sense of feeling. 


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