Duality - 2 •jin•

942 43 3

At Night

Jin is pacing back and forth in his apartment, his hands trembling and his breathing quickened. He stops in front of a mirror and stares at his reflection, his eyes filled with fear and anger.

(whispering to himself) No, no, no. This can't be happening.

He slams his fists against the wall, causing a loud thud to echo throughout the room.

(yelling) Why can't I control it?!

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, trying to calm himself down. When he opens them, he sees his reflection in the mirror again and takes a step back, frightened by what he sees.

(scared) Who am I becoming?

He collapses onto the couch, tears streaming down his face.

(crying) I don't want to hurt anyone.


Yn had noticed subtle changes in Jin's behavior, but had brushed them off as just a bad day or stress from work. But over time, the changes became more pronounced and it became clear that Jin was struggling with something much deeper.

His behavior grew more and more erratic, Yn knew that she had to escape before it was too late.

Yn sits on the couch, her eyes flicking nervously towards the door as Jin paces back and forth.

(irritated) What's wrong with you, Yn? You're so jumpy lately.

(trying to remain calm) It's nothing, Jin. I'm just a little stressed out from work.

(skeptical) You're lying to me. I can see it in your eyes.

(nervously) I'm not lying, Jin. I just need some time to myself.

Jin suddenly stops pacing and looks directly at Yn, his expression intense and dangerous.

(grabbing her by the arm) You're not going anywhere, Yn. You're mine.

Yn tries to pull away, but Jin's grip is too strong. She looks up at him, her eyes filling with tears.

(pleading) Jin, please. You're scaring me.

(letting go of her arm) I'm sorry, Yn. I don't know what's come over me. I just can't bear the thought of losing you.

(tearfully) I'm not going anywhere, Jin. I promise

But as the days go by and Jin's behavior grows more and more erratic, Yn knows that she can't keep her promise. She makes plans to leave him.


Jin bursts into the room, his eyes wild with anger. Yn is sitting on the couch, looking up at him with a mixture of fear and confusion.

(yelling) You think you can leave me? You belong to me!

(terrified) Jin, please stop! What's gotten into you?

(uncontrollable) You're mine! You can't leave me!

He lunges towards Yn, grabbing her by the arm and pulling her up from the couch. Yn screams out in pain as he tightens his grip, his anger intensifying with every passing second.

(crying out) Jin, you're hurting me!

(still consumed by anger) You're not leaving me, do you hear me? I won't let you!

He drags Yn towards the door, intending to take her away with him. But just as they reach the entrance, Yn wrenches her arm free and runs towards the other side of the room.

(terrified) No, Jin! I can't be with you anymore! Please, just let me go!

(furious) You're mine, Yn! You can't leave me!

He charges towards her, but Yn quickly evades him and rushes towards the door. In a moment of desperation, Jin picks up a nearby vase and hurls it towards her, just as she opens the door.

The vase shatters against the wall as Yn escapes, leaving Jin alone in the apartment, consumed by his own rage.

(breathless, yelling into the empty room) You'll never escape me, Yn! Never!

He collapses onto the couch, exhausted and filled with a deep sense of despair. The realization that he has lost the person he loved most in the world is almost too much for him to bear.

(whispering to himself) What have I done

Yn succeed in escaping, But she doesn't know that jin can find her in an hour.

Jin is sitting on the couch, looking defeated. Yn enters, her face marked with bruises.

(sobbing) Why did you do this to me, Jin? I trusted you.

(ashamed) I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry, I never meant to hurt you.

(angered) You say that every time. I can't keep forgiving you, Jin.

Jin lowers his head, tears welling up in his eyes. Yn looks at him with a mix of sadness and anger.

(resolute) I can't be with you anymore, Jin. I'm sorry.

(angrily) I can't let you leave me, Yn. I need you.

(frightened) You hurt me, Jin. I can't stay with you.

(desperately) I know, and I'm sorry. Please, give me another chance. I'll change.

(tearfully) I can't trust you, Jin. You need to let me go.

Jin's expression turns menacing as he steps closer to Yn, trapping her against the wall.

(threateningly) You're not going anywhere, Yn. You belong to me.

Yn trembles in fear as Jin looms over her. She knows she needs to escape, but she's trapped.

(crying) Please, Jin. Let me go.

(intense) No! You're staying here with me.

As Yn struggles to free herself, Jin's personality shifts. He starts to sob, holding onto Yn's waist.

(crying) I can't lose you, Yn. I'll do anything to keep you here.

(sympathetically) Jin, I can't stay. You need help

(desperate) Please, don't leave me. I'll do anything to make it up to you.

(firm) It's too late. Goodbye, Jin.

As Yn walks out the door. Yn tries to leave, but Jin blocks the door.

(trying to leave) Let me go, Jin. I can't stay here.

(angry, blocking the door) You're not leaving me, Yn. You belong to me.

(fearful) Jin, please let me go. I can't stay with you after what you did to me.

(violent) You're not going anywhere! You're mine!

Yn tries to push past Jin, but he grabs her by the arms, pulling her back.

(screaming) Let me go!

Jin shoves her back onto the couch, towering over her.

(threatening) You're not leaving me, Yn. You're going to stay here with me forever.

Yn cowers in fear as Jin looms over her, realizing that she's trapped. She knows that can't escape from him. it's too.

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