A Handsome Dancer - jh

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(Yn and Namjoon enter the classroom while playfully chasing each other. Yn finally catches Namjoon and starts hitting him playfully. The entire classroom is noisy and chaotic.)

Namjoon: (Pointing towards the window) Hey, Yn! Isn't that the car that your family just bought?

Yn: (Shrugs) I don't know.

(As soon as the teacher enters the classroom, the entire class becomes silent. The girls in the class start fangirling over the man who has come with the teacher.)

Namjoon: (To Yn) Close your mouth, Yn. Flies might get inside.

(Yn punches Namjoon and turns back to the man only to find him looking at her and smiling.)

Yn's thoughts: (Wildly imagining) Oh my God! He's so handsome!

Teacher: (Clears throat) Alright class, let me introduce our guest. This is Jung Hoseok, he's our dance teacher for the cultural event participation. (Turns to the class) Who's willing to participate, raise your hands.

(Yn drools over Hoseok and raises two hands, but Namjoon pulls them down.)

Namjoon: Hey, don't forget how you suck at dancing.

Yn: (Frustrated) I'll show you that I can dance!

(Unknown to them, someone is watching their interaction and aiming to separate them.)


(Everyone is in the practice room, and Hoseok is telling the students to choose their dance partners.)

Hoseok: (In a commanding tone) Alright everyone, choose your dance partners. We'll be practicing the step I just showed you. And remember, the success of this performance depends on your cooperation and coordination with your partner.

(Yn and Namjoon become partners by default.)

(As they start practicing, Yn keeps stepping on Namjoon's foot, apologizing each time.)

Yn: (Frustrated) Sorry! I can't seem to get it right.

Namjoon: (Supportive) Don't worry, we'll get it right together.

(Namjoon, being the gentleman he is, lifts Yn by her waist with one hand and holds her hand with the other, making her stand on his feet.)

Yn: (Stunned and blushing) What are you doing?

Namjoon: (Teasing) Aww, look at you blushing!

Yn: (Denying) I'm not blushing!

(Hoseok is watching their interaction, thinking to himself)

Hoseok: (Thinking) Enjoy yourselves while you can. The ending will be sad. (Gives Namjoon a stern look).


Namjoon and Yn are packing their bags and getting ready to leave.

Namjoon: Hey, do you want me to walk you home? I have basketball practice, but I can skip it today.

Yn: (smiling) No, I'll be fine. Don't worry about me.

Namjoon: (skeptically) Are you sure? This neighborhood isn't always safe.

Yn: (laughing) I've got my trusty pepper spray. I'll be okay.

Yn is walking down the street when a car pulls up beside her. The window rolls down and Hoseok's face appears.

Hoseok: (smiling) Do you need a lift home, Yn?

Yn: (surprised) Oh, thank you! That's very kind of you.

Hoseok: (charming) No problem. Hop in.

Yn gets into the car and they drive off.

Yn is looking at Hoseok admiringly, completely unaware of his true intentions.

Hoseok: (thinking to himself) Enjoy this ride, Yn. Because the road ahead is a lot more bumpier than you think.

Hoseok turns to Yn with a smirk on his face.


From the next day yn found missing.

Namjoon is pleading to the police officer. He looks frantic and worried.

NAMJOON: Please, you have to find her. She's been missing for days now.

POLICE OFFICER: We're doing all we can, Mr. Namjoon. We've found a clue that she was seen getting into a car driven by a Mr. Jung Hoseok.

NAMJOON: (surprised) What? Hoseok? He's our dance teacher.

The police officer nods.

POLICE OFFICER: We've already questioned him, but he says he dropped her off at her home that night and even had dinner with her family.

Namjoon's eyes widen.

NAMJOON: (stunned) What? That's not possible. I need to talk to her parents.

The police officer nods and Namjoon rushes out of the station.


Namjoon arrives at Yn's parents house, looking desperate. He finds Yn's parents sitting in the living room, looking just as broken and desperate as he feels.

NAMJOON: (pleadingly) Did Hoseok really come here that night?

YN'S MOTHER: (nodding) Yes, he came here for dinner. He seemed like such a nice young man.

Namjoon's heart races as he begins to realize the truth.

NAMJOON: (urgently) We need to go back to the police station. Now.

Namjoon and Yn's parents arrive back at the police station.

POLICE OFFICER: Mr. Namjoon, what's the emergency?

NAMJOON: (determined) I want to search Hoseok's house. I have a feeling he might have taken Yn.

The police officer nods and leads them to Hoseok's house.

Namjoon, Yn's parents, and several police officers search Hoseok's house, but they find nothing. Hoseok stands by with a smirk on his face, enjoying the situation.

HOSEOK: (smiling) I'm sorry, but you won't find anything here.

Everyone begins to lose hope.


Loud speaker started busting every was mirror. In between yn. She started crying as the horrific music started. Hoseok came  and sat on the chair.

Hoseok: he gave her a nice 2 piece dress. Today I am in a really good mood so for today a pleasurable lap dance. snaps his finger.

Yn slowly starts get up and dances while crying. Suddenly hoseok eyes became dark. He stops the music

Yn: cries while removing her top.

(Makes another mistake remove the bottom left with the inners)

Again music started from beginning yn started dance. Again music stopped.

Hoseok: (yells ). How many times have I said you don't cry while dancing.

Yn: (begs) please leave me.

Hoseok: (smiles) aww baby isn't the one who used to drool for me and wants to learn dance because of me. Now you are getting what you want"

Hoseok: tsk tsk you ruined my mood today i won't give you a chance for mistake.(smirks)

Yn starts shooting as he drags her. This is how her life became totally a nightmare.

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