Chapter 11

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I saw a bright green head of hair bobbing above the tall grass approaching us from a distance.

"Alrightttt everyone, how'd it go?? Everyone has acquired their status? No serious injuries? Anything important to report?"

Our group murmured a bit but no one spoke up.

"Sounds like everything went well, congratulations to the new students. Now let's leave the dungeon!!!"

We all left the dungeon in a much less organized manner than how we entered. When we made it outside I saw a middle aged man in a casual dark blue dress shirt and black dress pants with shiny black shoes. Then Abby spoke up.

"Students, I'll leave you with your teacher Mr. Carlson. Chaperones come with me for a moment, I'd like to thank you all."

The students swarmed over to their teacher, Maria looked at me.

"Thanks again Jayyy, I'll see you later!!"

I smiled and waved.

"See ya later Maria."

Then I walked with the chaperone group and waited around with a bored look on my face.

I came here today to meet some new faces. But everyone was either way too old, or honestly way too young... I did get to help out Maria today though, so it was an overall success. I can't complain.

"Thank you all for coming out today...."

I zoned out a bit, it just sounded like a generic corporate thank you speech. I couldn't be asked to listen.

".... and if you have any questions or want to join the Hunters Association please drop by our local government office anytime. We'd be happy to help. With that being said, I'll dismiss all of you. Thanks again for helping our up and coming hunters today!"

I was still spaced out staring off at the pond and trees in the Alpine Square Park.

The crowd dissipated and just left me mindlessly standing there with the two Reps in the middle of the square.

"Helllloooooo??? Helllllllooooo?"

I saw a hand being waved in front of my face with a bright green background. Once my eyes focused again I saw Abby staring at me... uncomfortably close to my face just like she had in that office building.

"You know I have off work for the rest of the day, wanna see something cooool?? I am pretty new to this city, you seem to be the only hunter close to my age. Plussss, I don't know anyone else with two skills like me."

Abby was talking really fast and jumping up and down in front of me. Everything that had happened in the last 10 seconds was throwing me a bit off guard, without thinking much I just replied.

"Y-yeah sure, what is it?"

With and excited grin she grabbed my right wrist and started tugging me along.

"Come on, let me show you Lexington Wolf Dungeon. The Association is about to approve it for public use, it just popped up like last month."

With a startled look on my face I just let her drag me along. This is what I wanted today wasn't it? To meet new hunters my age... and who am I to say no to a woman like her.

After a full minute of walking in the direction opposite my apartment I started to rethink my decision. This was way past Alpine Square in a part of town I've never even seen before.

I shook my head and took in a breath of fresh air returning more of my mental clarity.

"Hey wait a second!!! Where is this place?!! And what exactly is this place? A new dungeon?? You know I'm not even level 30 yet."

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