Chapter 178

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Instantly, I teleport back in front of the stone archway that leads to the open courtyard in front of the castle.

Before stepping forward, I open up my item storage to grab my sword and let Ember fly free. He flaps his wings as I grip the already glowing red blade.

We both burst into flames.

I allow my MP stores to be drained by both my sword and armor as I feel my body surge with power. It feels like excess mana is seeping out of my pores.

"I feel... great...."

Usually, I'd be craving mana at a time like this. Even if my MP bar was completely full. For some reason, this time after stepping out of the Titan's domain, while I'm using my skills and my bar is above halfway full, I feel oddly satiated...

I grin, stepping through the high arching entrance.

The moment both Ember and I reach the halfway point to the Castle wall, the massive iron door begins to scrape the floor as it slowly opens again.

The familiar glimmer of silver armor peeks out before 2 dozen Knights march in a single-file line toward us.

I grin, gripping my blade while crackling with flames.

The first battle begins.

Like clockwork, one of the Knights standing in line breaks formation and begins running at me with its long silver sword ready to strike.

I use Appraisal to double-check its stats.


[Lv. 430]

Active Items:

[Enchanted Armor Set] +1750 Defense

[Enchanted Long Sword] +1750 Strength

Active Skills:



I run forward, charging my blade with ease.

Mana flows through my body so quickly and easily now, it surprises me...

In an instant, my sword has almost 600MP stored into it. By my 3rd step, there's already 1000. My blade glows brighter and brighter as I approach the metal soldier.

I clash blades with the silver suit of armor. This time around, there's an entirely different result than my previous fight. Its sword is sliced in two the second I make contact, and its metal body follows this fate soon after.

The MP from my attack hardly even leaves my blade before slicing my opponent in two. I fly by the Knight, air-stepping past with a grin across my face.

Its sword falls to the ground, and the upper half of its armor slides off its lower legs as it tries to stay on its feet. The metal parts hit the ground with a loud clang.

As I stare down the mutilated Knight, realizing my new strength, its falls parts begin to float up into the air. It reconnects and becomes a full silver suit of armor once again.

The lines where I cut are still there, but the Knight seems completely unharmed otherwise. It readies its sword and charges at me again.

I grit my teeth and run at it too. I slice right through it again with a swift swing of my sword. There isn't even a hint of resistance as I cut the Knight straight down the middle.

This time its two halves fall to the floor with a loud clang of metal on stone. It falls into 4 parts, but reforms back into a full suit moments later as expected.

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