Chapter 199

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"I can answer all your questions on the way. Come on, let's go. It's time to head out. You have some dungeons to clear."

Leo, the silver-haired artificer motions for all of us to follow as he begins walking toward the elevator at the back of the penthouse office.

I turn to follow, but Abby speaks up to stop us.

"Hey, that's it? No mission specifications? No intel on the dungeons we're facing? You're just handing us a poorly drawn map and transmission tablets to go?"

She grabs the map off the desk with attitude.

Maria stands up with an innocent look across her face, turning her head back and forth to me, then to Abby, then over to the Director's assistant.

The blond-haired woman slowly nods, then speaks in a low tone.

"I understand this may be different from your past missions Abby, but you've been chosen as the new elites. Like it or not, you 4 are special now. Your team has been gifted the abilities that many other hunters could only dream of handling."

The green-haired healer tightens her stare, but gives a firm nod as the thin blond woman continues.

"We don't have much information on regions like this one. If I had a better map or more intel I'd love for you to have it. The problem is, we're understaffed and overworked. Everyone who's able to help fight is out on the front line for this grouping of breaks. Even the Director himself went to supervise the B and A-Class teams as they handed the core labyrinth break. That's why he wasn't able to see you at our meeting today."

Leo jumps in with a hand raised and a smile.

"Come on, let's head out. We don't want to miss the train. There's one leaving in under half an hour, that's our ride."

Abby lets out a sigh, crossing her arms, then turning to face Leo. Her hair flies up in the air from the quickness of her motions as she begins to follow the silver-haired artificer.

Maria grins and speaks up.

"Alright, it's settled, we're off!"

I smile back as she makes her way across the room to follow the others.

I look down to meet Arie's gaze. The archer makes an audible gulp as he stands to his feet, replying to my firm nod in a low tone.

"Ready for this?"

I throw an arm around his shoulder as we start to walk toward the elevator following the girls and our guide.

"I am, are you? Is there something you want to get off your chest once we get outside?"

He lets out a sigh and whispers under his breath so only I can hear.

"The village I grew up in is near section 4. I wasn't expecting the breaks to happen so soon. I'll be fine. This... was just unexpected. Thanks for asking."


I reply while watching the elevator door open on the other side of the room.

"Understood. Looks like there's more to this mission than meets the eye."

Arie gives me a nod, looking over his shoulder, then back to the open doors of the elevator.

"Indeed, I'll fill you in on more details later."

The 4 of us crowd into the small elevator behind the silver-haired man. Leo hits the button to take us down to the Lobby. His cheerful attitude lightens the mood.

He turns to me before speaking to everyone.

"Well, I met Jay last night, but it's nice to officially meet all of you. If you have any unique or abundant raw dungeon item drops, feel free to put in a request for my assistance at any time. Just tell the front desk Leo sent ya!

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