Chapter 62

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Bri pointed at the floor and that same white light started to glow all around her hand. With a swift motion, she threw the orb of light at the floor. It sank right through and disappeared out of sight. She looked up at me and spoke.

"My assistant will come up here shortly, shall we begin?"

"Begin now? I thought I had to win a match for you to make the sword."

She grinned.

"Well, you need a sword to fight with don't you?"

I scratched my head awkwardly.

"I do, you're right."

"You'll fight when I finish the blade. I don't see element stones of this grade very often. If I'm going to make a sword of this caliber, I'd at least like to have some advertising done for my services. You better put on a good show."

I thought to myself for a moment.

That's why she offered me this option. She wants everyone watching the fight to know she made this sword. Ugh, business people or ya, always scheming up something.

"Makes sense, I ju-"

*Knock* *Knock* *Knock*

The tall pale man in glasses from the second floor knocked politely at the top of the spiral staircase.

"Ms. Briana, I am at your service."

He bowed and Bri spoke up.

"One moment, Bernard."

He nodded and Bri turned back to me.

"Put out your arm, I need to extract a little blood."

She pulled out a small glass jar with a cork in the top from her desk along with a shiny dagger. My eyes opened wide.

"Hey! There has to be a safer way to do this, you don't have a needle or something?"

She smirked.

"What? You scared?"

"N-No, its just-"

"Good. Don't worry about it, I'll heal you up before you leave."

I gulped and put my left arm out in front of her.

Bri ripped the cork out of the bottle with her teeth and looked me in the eyes before sizing up my arm. Without hesitation, she sliced open a vein in my forearm and placed the jar directly on the open area. Thick red liquid spurted out instantly, her expression didn't change one bit as the bottle filled up to the brim. She screwed the cork back on and threw the jar of fresh blood up and down in her hand with a slight grin. I just watched her mutilate me in disbelief.

"H-Hey I'm still bleeding here!"

My blood is flowing much slower than it started, but it was still coming out and making a mess all over the floor.

Bri's hand lit up with a green light and she placed it over my sliced-up arm. I felt a warm sensation as the skin grew back together and the gash completely disappeared.


It'd probably be better to not ask any stupid questions right now.... But that's two skills she's used so far.... Just making a mental note.

I nodded. She spoke up again.

"Give me a little while. I'll have your sword ready for the fight scheduled around noon. Let me see your status, we have to make sure you're paired up in the right level class."

I froze.

"I-I'm Level 211, there's no need to show my status..."

She shook her head.

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