Chapter 35

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The main road was filled with independent street vendors.

We walked for about 10 minutes in the direction of the city's center.

It became very clear to me that most of the shops around the train station were mostly for tourists and small time hunters.

It was filled with scammers and con men. What can you really expect? Business is business. That's the way the world works.

As we walked further in, there were less people out on the streets. The buildings became much taller, it looked like they were mostly allocated for office space.

We turned a street corner and I saw a massive mall. There were escalators that connected at least 10 floors of shopping areas. The floors were a smooth white color and the walls connecting each new floor were made of a thick clear glass. The curved silver steel beams that held everything together were incorporated into the building design. It looked very futuristic.

We took an escalator up to the 6th floor. Maria and I were fascinated by the scenery.

The shops sold mana crystals, swords, armor, shields, and much more.

People here were a lot more civilized and dressed much nicer than the town market. This must be the designer district. Higher class items are sold here. Makes sense.

As we arrived to the 6th floor Rei motioned for us to get off the moving stairs and to follow her.

We walked along a balcony with a clear glass barrier. There was an open hole in the center of the mall, it was doughnut shaped. Looking up there was a blue sky, looking downwards we could see the bottom floor. It's an incredible building.

We kept walking along the balcony until a large storefront came into view. It seemed to be a separate shopping area closed off by a white wall, I couldn't see inside.

Rei talked to a security guard outside and showed him a card. The guard nodded and opened the door.

We walked in.

It was a large shopping center with organized gear on each wall and display tables. Rei spoke up.

"Alright, give me about 30 minutes. Im going to stock up on gear for the guild."

Maria and I nodded.

I overheard a few employees and some of Rei's previous conversation.

This seems to be a high end magical item store, but its customer base is exclusively bulk buyers from guilds.

They must offer good deals.

Maria and I wandered around the store looking at all the equipment.

There were display tables full of potions and interesting looking stones and items.

I saw a wall completely covered in glistening silver swords.

There was even an accessory table that had all kinds of rings, bracelets, and necklaces with a variety of attributes.

There is nothing like this back home. The capital is amazing!

Maria's was mesmerized as well.

It all seemed to be high grade E and D Class gear. There wasn't much here that was mind blowing. It was just the fact that there was so much of it in one place. I assume there are other shops with higher grade gear, but it wouldn't be worth the guild's money to buy those in bulk.

"Alright. That didn't take too long did it?"

Rei came over to us while tightening a large leather pouch around her waist.

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