Chapter 30

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The mutant cyclops was less than 50m away from me now. It had its club raised and its eye locked on me.

It was much faster than the normal monsters I faced earlier today. I definitely had to come up with a new battle plan.


It wasn't slowing down one bit.

The monster was less than 20m away now. It's time to move. I decided to match its movements and sprinted towards the oncoming beast.

When I was about 5m away I made a sharp left turn and narrowly avoided the massive club. I could feel the strong wind against my face. It was an impressive swing.

I turned to face the monster as it charged passed me. I tried to catch it off guard but to my surprise it was already turning to face me as well. Cheap tricks are not going to work.

We glared at each other and both lunged in to make another attack. It's club was so massive, almost 3m long. I couldn't get anywhere near the beast, it had perfect defense.

I had to dodge again, there's nothing else I can do. The familiar wind of the club's swing hit my face. I was getting a bit frustrated. I can't afford to get hit by this mutant, its attack is definitely stronger than my previous opponents.

We faced each of again. Both of us were standing close by the flowing stream on flat ground. The valley's upward hill was to my left.

As we charged towards each other this time, I decided to dodge early and run up the side of the incline.

The beast skidded to a halt and changed directions to follow me up the hill. Thankfully it's lack of agility gave me a small head start.

I ran up the valley's edge as the massive cyclops followed.

Once I got enough distance I turned to face it and ignited my entire body into flames. My grip tightened around the fiery sword and I took a deep breath.

I sprinted forward and jumped in the air with all my strength. The cyclops was still bellowing towards me from below with its club raised.

As I jumped down the valley I raised my sword for an attack. I was aiming to fly over the entire monster and land behind it for a chance to strike.

That was my plan anyways...

The monster let out a roar and raised its club high into the air.



The club hit me like a brick wall. At the last moment I did my best to block some of the spikes with the flat side of my own blade, but it didn't help much.

I was sent flying backwards behind the beast hitting the rocky ground just meters from the water's edge.

If I had just jumped 1 meter higher... or maybe just one second sooner... I could have-


The monster gave me no time to think.

I spat out dirt and blood while readying my sword. I looked up to see the quickly approaching mutant cyclops.

I have to try again.

The beast kept charging, and I kept waiting.

When we were no more than 5 meters apart I used all of my speed and agility to sprint and twist away from the massive incoming club.

Without looking back I ran full force up the side of the valley. I heard water splashing behind me.

As I ran about 15m up the hill I turned to face the monster. I expected it to be close behind and starting its charge. What I saw brought a wide grin to my face.

Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now