Chapter 93

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Battle cries fill the air as dozens of hunters charge by swinging their weapons preparing for battle. We all step out from under the guarded tent area, and that same mirage of rippling light from when we previously entered reappears.

The plain, flat, never-ending grassland dungeon distorts in front of my eyes and the genuine landscape appears in front of me.

The five of us made it less than 50m before stopping to stare and take in the view.

Three tall mountains stand before us. The furthest one towers over the others easily 3km higher than the solid ground we stand on now. The bright green grass below our feet remains, but the beautiful view of snow-peaked mountains with thick trees at their bases is a breathtaking sight to behold.

Hunters run off in all directions to climb the first peak, I squint my eyes to see large winged creatures flying high in the sky casting shadows onto the landscape. Their exact features are hard to distinguish from this distance, but the excitement kills me. I grin ear to ear.

"Let's do this. My guess is, the boss room lies on top of the tallest mountain."

I smirk.

Without another word, we join the charge forward into the unknown.

Most groups of hunters seem to be minding their own business. It's the first floor in this new test, after all, the pressure is moderately low. There isn't much point in fighting one another just yet.

After 10 minutes of light jogging and some minor deforestation, we make it through a light patch of trees that covers the base of the mountain. The teams around us have dispersed throughout the surrounding area. There are no noises of any other teams in our general vicinity.

As we make our way through the heavily wooded mountain base, the abundance of plant life begins to thin out the higher we climb.

Another 15 minutes pass, and I hear Maria's excited voice call out from in front of us.

"Hey! Guys! Check this out!"

We all hurry up to see what the fuss is and make our way toward her. The light is shining very brightly through the trees as I climb up a small rocky ledge to where Maria's voice came from. A warm smile appears on across my face as I walk out onto an overlook.

We all stand on the massive flat boulder free of trees blocking our view to see the other two mountains towering above us and a deep valley below. The bright yellow artificial sunlight shines down on us with a magnificent glimmer.

We stare off into the distance for a moment until we're rudely interrupted by a massive gloomy shadow.

The dark black outline of a large bird-like creature with wings blocks our view of the sun. It's followed by the ear piercing Shriek of a monstrous beast.


A pair of sturdy legs hit the solid rock ground 30m in front of us. The fur is golden brown and a thin yet powerful tail wags back and forth along the stone floor.

My eyes open wide in awe as a massive 5m tall Griffin glares back.

The monster's towering upper body has elegant feathered wings with razor sharp talons on its front legs. The rear has golden brown fur, a long curving tail, and the ferocious looking claws of a lion.

I grin with anticipation, but hold myself back and look over to Abby, giving her a nod.

The green haired girl steps forward, understanding my intentions. She's new to the team, I'm the only one here that trusts her or has even see her fight. First impressions are very thing after all. She speaks up while she begins to glow green.

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