Chapter 19

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Jack and I walked for about an hour until we made it to the base of the mountain at the back of the dungeon. I battled against 2 more Orcs. It was a similar battle both times gaining 1 level for each victory. After the last battle I drank an MP potion.

[Status Open]

Name: Jay Soju

Level: 80

Hp: 405/405

Mp: 405/405

Strength: 197 [+50]

Speed: 229

Agility: 240

Defense: 178

Mental Strength: 197 [+39]


Combat Magic [Fire Summoning]

Items Equipped:

Stainless Steel Long Sword [+50 Strength]
Golden Wolf Ring [+20% Mental Strength]


"Alright the boss room portal is just up this way, come on!"

There was a narrow rocky trail that lead up the side of the mountain. It led up to an overlook where we could see the entire dungeon.

After admiring the view we turned one more corner and there is was.

The grey spinning portal. I looked at it curiously... it wasn't as light as they usually are, but wasn't as dark as the portal of the mutant boss I had previously faced.

"Hey Jack.. this portal is a little dark isn't it?"

He took a closer look and smiled.

"Looks like it's our lucky day, a mutant is in there. It's not tooooo strong, the portal isn't very dark yet. The black portals are what you have to look out for. My guess is this one will have a 20% increase in power or so. So roughly level 120 if I had to guess. What do ya say? Ready?"

I unsheathed my sword and stared at the grey spinning portal.

"Let's make a deal. I show you my skill and defeat this boss... in return I get it's loot drop."

Jack raised his eyebrow and smirked.

"Oh yeah? Fine, deal. That means I won't step in to help you."

"Perfect, just what I wanted."

It's been a while since I've fought a powerful opponent. I've been craving a good fight ever since I defeated the Wolf Boss for the first time. Now, I had a lot more battle experience and tricks up my sleeve.

We both jumped through the portal.

It was a similar setting to all the boss rooms I'd previously fought in. I saw a wide open cave about 200m long, 100m wide, and 20m tall.

3 large Orcs carrying long swords came charging out from the back of the cave. Jack turned to me.

"I got these guys, you just focus on the boss. Let me see what you can do."

I nodded. Within seconds Jack charged towards the monsters and overpowered each one of them with a single blow. It was impressive. He moved the corpses with ease and backed up to give me room to face the boss when it came.

Then the Erie silence kicked in. The boss was watching.


A huge greenish blue Orc came stomping out from the back of the cave. It was almost 6m tall. All the muscles in its arms and legs were striated and rippling with every movement it made. It had on large boots, a vest, and wrist wraps.

Dungeon Diver: Stealing a Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now