Chapter 163

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I'm back on the 19th floor, with one thing on my mind.

"I need to find a strong opponent to test this new ability on."

I activate enemy detection and inspect to begin taking a look around for a Berskerer to test out my new mana control technique on.

Every 1km or so, there's a level 400-405 hiding deep whiting the dungeon. The black hills, valleys, caves, and mazes fill my senses as I search. Finally, a reading that catches my eye pops up.


[Lv. 408]

A level 408... Immediately, I lock onto this familiar reading and Dungeon Walk back to the square-shaped black arena that I know so well. Drawing my sword and igniting my body and weapon into flames, I prepare for our second battle.

A 4m tall red-skinned Berskerer Giant stands in the open air with its long silver sword winging back and forth, mindlessly staring up at the sky. It's exactly the same as the last one I fought. The area destroyed from our previous fight is completely renewed as well, it looks like more than just dungeon mass respawns after a certain period of time.

The manically smiling green-eyed monster turns its gaze toward me just moments after I appear.

Just like that, we begin.

It plants its back legs and begins darting toward me while glowing with the red aura of a berserker skill activating. I grin, putting off a red and gold glow myself, and charging up my blade.

Last time I faced this beast, I used both of my weapons at full blast. I was able to slowly chip away at its defenses because of my attack's pure destructive power, but I'd like to win things a bit differently this time around if possible.

I activate my All-Seeing Eye.

The pink and white swirls of mana around me begin to fill my vision. The crystal-like black rock structures glow brightly with a similar grid pattern that the rocks on the 10th floor showed off. They're just much tighter gridlines, closer together, and vibrating at a much higher frequency.

I move my gaze to the fast-moving Berserker coming my way. Its silver-colored light armor pieces give off a dense mana reading too. Again, it's similar to the stones and crystal-like structures around me, just much much tighter nit threads of energy creating an almost microscopic grid in my mind's eye.


Grinning, I focus my attention on the charging monster's chest plate. Burning through an entire MP potion in a matter of seconds, I visualize every last mana particle in the monster's armor.

The green-eyed fiend cracks the ground with every step it takes. I drink another MP potion to prepare my attack. Charging up just 100MP, I burn through another full potion just to get near matching this new ultra-thin level of mana control.

My body shakes, and I grit my teeth as I grip my blade tight, attempting to line up the perfect attack.

Now, it's within range, but I am too...

"Dungeon Walker."

I teleport to the opposite side of the monster and let my strike soar. It's thin, with a black tint, letting out light red flickers of flames as it rips through the air toward the solid metal plate of armor covering its back.

My attack makes contact with the oblivious battle-hungry beast. I grin as I watch my strike disappear momentarily into the back of its armor. Fractions of a second later, I see a flash of white light and a small explosion of flames.

Gritting my teeth, and letting out a frustrated grunt, I air-step upwards to get out of rage before it gets too mad...

When the fire and dust clears, I'm not too disappointed with the results of my first attempt.

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