Chapter 186

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The monster continues to grow before my eyes. It lets out a ground-shaking roar more powerful than any of its previous bellows. The sound waves that come out begin to crumble the stone walks and ceiling above.

I can feel the eerie sensation of mana begin to spread out into the air.

Broken pieces of support structures and fragments of glass fall from above, raining down upon me.

It lets out a visible shockwave of red aura that feels like an intimidation attack, but I'm positive that isn't one of its skills.

This must be some form of advanced mana control or a perk of its mana manipulation ability. The shockwave can be felt like pins and needles all over my body and deep in my veins.

I stop moving for a full second, watching the Black Suit of Armor completely crumble away and fall to the floor as a four-legged monster grows from within.

It falls forward, still gaining size while now standing on four legs. A long tail materializes from its backside and a shining white horn juts from its forehead, bending up and back to cover the weak points of its neck and spine.

Finally, I get a good look at this monster's face as it expands out from the red mana-imbued fog.

Its eyes grow bigger than my entire head and are a deep black color all the way through. The beast glares at me as it shows its rows of jagged white teeth dripping with saliva.

Not stopping its expansion in the slightest, the growing tail of the creature hits the back wall of the banquet hall and it begins to crumble and fall.

Its muscles bulge and expand, growing large veins that stretch its dark red skin to the point where it looks as if they're about to pop. Its dense striated flesh doesn't even look real...

Thick muscle mass lines its arms, thighs, and neck. Even its tail drifts back and forth powerfully knocking down massive walls with ease and grace.

Stone collapses as the Mosnter now grows to over 20 meters long. It's still glowing bright red and white, growing taller and bigger every second I wait...

The murderous cry almost looks visible in the air as it comes out of its massive gaping maw. This is the exact roar that I heard from the beast at the beginning of our fight.

Now, it seems I've finally met the real monster that guards the 20th floor.

This is the Floor Boss that separates normal hunters from those that the Association calls "Elites".

This is...

The Behemoth.

The entire back wall of the room collapses and the monster thrusts itself upwards onto its hind legs. All of the remaining stone bricks that make up the back wall fall to the ground and are crushed under the monster's heavy body.

Finally, the red glowing halts, and so does its expansion. The Behemoth in its final form is almost 35 meters long...

It towers above me, larger than any creature I've even dreamed of fighting in the past.

My eyes dart around the room to spot Ember through the open ceiling. He's watching the battle below commence with a patient stare.

Although frozen in awe for a moment, I snap out of it and devise a new plan.

I can sense Ember's eagerness to jump in the fight from here. The black-scaled dragon swoops down toward me without hesitation as I make eye contact with my partner.

I air-step upwards to meet him in the sky halfway. The Behemoth turns its gaze to watch us meet in the air. Standing on its hind legs, this monster sends out another shockwave that shakes me to the core.

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