Chapter 138

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I make my way back over to the more peaceful, less ground-shaking side of the white-walled rectangular prison.

My training for today begins but ends shortly after.

I only manage to get 3 hours in. My bones are aching, my mouth is dry, and the muscle fatigue is becoming overwhelming. I have under a liter of water left. The only progress made today is thanks to my rise in levels.

In the last 3 hours, I've gained another 4, bringing me up to level 388. Over the last few weeks, I've managed to burn through just over 10 million MP. This is multiple times the amount most D or C-Class hunters will ever use in their entire lives...

The risk-to-reward ratio of training my mana control any further is not worth it. Before I entered this void prison, I didn't even know refining one's mana was possible. My attacks have become close to 5 times as dense, hence 5 times as deadly with the same MP output. My blade's total holding capacity has grown almost 2 times. With the near-unlimited stores along with my sentient weapons, I'm able to charge and release attacks up to 6 times my full MP bar.

Taking all the factors into consideration, a full-strength attack within these walls is up to 30 times as effective as it was just a few weeks ago. My rising levels are continuously adding to that number as well.

I test out an ultimate attack to end the 11th day of this training cycle.

Focusing my mana and gripping my rattling blades, I unleash two magnificent attacks. The first is a thin shining black blade and the second is a transparent crescent of wind. The combined power of these strikes amounts to nearly 13,000 refined MP.

My energy collides with the white man barrier letting out a metallic twang, then ripping through my prison's wall. A massive 10m high, 3m wide tear in space opens as the two crescents of expanding white wind and crimson flames continue to soar through the black void behind the wall.

I grin while dropping to my knees, preparing to sleep after my short yet effective day of training.

While my eyes shut, I activate my All-Seeing Eye to monitor the progress like usual.

I would typically gasp in shock at the astounding results, but my weary body and mind are too fatigued to muster a reaction. Drifting off to sleep, I witness the two powerful energy waves tearing through the outer wall of the apparently, not-so-endless black void. A small portion of my attack manages to break free from the confines of the Titan's Domain, escaping into the outside world.

I've managed to find the outer edge.

I close my eyes, and sleep for hours, but am rudely awakened by the sensation of a vibrating floor and my MP bar nearing 0 again. Standing to my feet while plundering my mana points back to full without much issue, I check my status.

I've gained another 5 levels... I'm at 393 now...

With the rumbling floor below me glowing a faint tint of red, I look over to see how Ember is doing. My jaw nearly drops to the floor as I take in the sight before my eyes.

The crimson aura has doubled in size since I last examined it. I can barely make out an outline of the slumbering dragon. The walls around it look very distorted... Almost as if the white-walled barrier around us is being completely absorbed.

I gulp.

If this box collapses in on itself, the only logical explanation I have would be that we would be floating through that endless black void outside. The unpleasant memory of falling through nothingness flashes through my head for a moment before I snap back to reality.

Activating my All-Seeing Eye, I confirm my prior hypothesis to be correct almost immediately.

The white-walled barrier between us and the outside void is slowly beginning to dissolve. The area nearest to the Dragon is the weakest. It feels just like the tear in space that I create every time I release an ultimate attack.

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