Chapter 97

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As the giant purple worm disappears, two shiny items drop from its corpse.

I use appraisal as I pick up the large mana crystal and a round white orb. It's slightly purple-tinted, similar to the monster's skin color.

[Purple Worm's Pearl]

"Hmm, there's no info on this thing..."

It lets off a light hum. The orb is no more than 1kg and rests firmly in the palm of my hand. I toss it up and down a few times before shrugging and throwing it into my item storage with the mana crystal.

Everyone else in the group catches up and we continue to roam the flat dirt wasteland of a dungeon.

Over the next half an hour, we trek straight forward and run into 2 more giant worms.

I let Maria handle the next one. In one long continuous slash, she's able to freeze the front half of its body, taking out the beast in a single hit.

Nessa, Abby, and Bruce take on the next attacker. As the monster erupts from the ground Abby skewers it in place with 8 massive razor-sharp cones of dirt and rock. Nessa bursts into flames and slices the worm's front side wide open forcing it to squirm and squeal in agony. Bruce follows at the rear, with an onslaught of hammer hits leaving the beast's jaw unable to function. With a series of fiery slashes and jagged rock stabbings, the monster is defeated with ease. Abby speaks up with a wide grin after the creature disappears.

"I gained two whole levels from that!"

Nessa nods in agreement.

"Yeah, I gained two as well!"

Bruce nods happily.

"I gained one myself."

He looks over to me.

"Us three should handle the worms for now, I assume you and Maria aren't leveling up at all here."

"You're right, we'll step back. You three need the levels more than us."

We all agree and continue forward.

Over the next hour and a half, the three of them improve tremendously. They fight 4 worms together, then 3 more individually. I use inspect and monitor each of their progress closely.

Bruce uses 2 MP potions in total while making it to level 276 over the next couple of battles. He comes up with a new move using the sharp end of his hammer to rip the monster apart in just a few hits.

Nessa consumes 3MP potions and makes it up to level 274. Her firepower is decent, but it still takes a few hits for her to slice the monsters in half. The long way that is... Nessa really tried to copy my move, it didn't work out as well as she'd hoped. It still got the job done eventually!

Lastly, Abby grew the most in my opinion. While only drinking 2 MP potions, she grew to level 274 as well. I witnessed a new battle technique from her. While capturing the beast in a prison of rock spears, she conjured two reinforced stone daggers. With a graceful jumping maneuver similar to the stone pillars she used facing those Griffins, Abby threw herself over the worm and slid down its back with both daggers piercing its thick skin while growing them in size. By the time she reached the ground, the creature split into three separate parts....

"How'd ya like that?"

Abby walks back over to our group after this final battle with a confident smirk across her face.

I reply.

"Not bad, not bad at all."


The two parts of the beast hit the ground on either side simultaneously as its middle piece crumbles to the floor.

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