Chapter 40

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"Trolls can regenerate! Just cutting off their heads isn't going to kill them!"

I looked over my shoulder at Talia as she yelled at me and rolled my eyes in return.

"You know you could have briefed me on what kind of magic they actually had. That would've been pretty helpful."

She nodded her head but I could tell she was focused straight ahead at the troll.

Cori finally arrived too, he stayed back 10m or so just like the first time we encountered this monster.

Talia grinned and nodded at him.

"Alright Jay. Let's attack the same as last time. Immobilize the troll, and do not get hit. Cori will finish it off once we've done our job."

I nodded and gripped my sword tight.


The troll already grew back the lower portion of its head. It was starting to shriek and crawl towards us.

Talia took the lead this time, I could tell she wanted to show off a little bit too.

She's very agile and quick, her sword looks light weight. She must have high speed and agility stats just like mine.

Talia hopped around the swamp and got closer to the regenerating troll. I followed close behind positioning myself to land a secondary attack.

We were less than 5m away now. The troll's head was almost fully reformed, it's amazing how fast its magic works.

With a swift movement of her blade, Talia attacked the monster. It shrieked and tried to claw her as she made a deep gash in its mid section before dodging to the left.

I was close behind and landed a powerful yet agile attack of my own. I dove in landed a clean slice on its left arm. My sword cut through it like butter, the arm fell in the swamp with a splash. I dodged to the right as the beast desperately tried to claw me with its remaining hand.

I looked at Talia, she was on the opposite side of the monster and there were trees blocking its escape to the left or right. We both grinned at each other as we walked in closer cornering the troll from escaping.

I lunged in and aimed for the troll's left leg. Talia went for the right arm.

Both were sliced clean off after our dual attack. We charged in over and over until the beast was a pile of parts on the swarm floor.

It was a bit gruesome, but what else can we do right now? I looked up at Talia.

"It's immobilized. Now what? How do we kill this thing?"

Talia grinned.

"Cori you're up!"

The pale man sprinted in glowing with a faint white light.

He placed his hands in front of his body and opened up a light colored portal in the air.

The moment he opened the portal a dark red light started to leak out. It looked and felt exactly like my fire magic.

He drew closer to the troll's mangled body and opened the portal wider. Flames poured out and began to burn the beast to ashes.

In a matter of seconds the troll was burned to a pile of ash.

I heard a familiar sound ringing in my head.

[Level Up]

[Status Open]


Name: Jay Soju

Level: 142

Hp: 715/715

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